
Monday, August 31, 2009

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Acentos Ortográficos

Bom dia pessoal! Criei vergonha na cara e resolvi colocar acentos ortográficos aqui no blog. Mil perdões por não estar escrevendo corretamente. O negócio é que tenho que deixar meu computador em inglês porque escrevemos mais nesse idioma, mas é bom escrever o nosso português corretamente né? Até dói menos de ler J Pra quem tem Mac (nos EUA) e não quer mudar o idioma todo, aqui está o que descobri:

Option e + e = é

Option I + e = ê

Option U + u = ü

Option c + c = ç

Option ` + a = à

Option n +a = ã

Estou um pouco ocupada, então vou manter esse post bem breve. Até logo!

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Here is a... REMINDER

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stop trying to be like everyone else and 'bee' yourself. No matter how cool, clean and collected others look online, real life might be totally different. Even if it ain't, you have a fantastic life. Stop the online envy for things aren't always as they seem. Take a deep breath, turn off the computer and enjoy the real love you have coming at you. No one can replicate that online.
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Here is a...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Here’s a before & after photo of my dinning room table. This was my biggest project for this week and I thank God we are all done! It took me 3 years but we finally got rid of clutter. The secret to keeping things neat is the upkeep of all the paper that comes in the house daily.

Here’s a photo of me right before I went for a run/walk earlier this week. This week was a challenging one but we managed to get out there and do it. Today is raining and every good runner knows this is NO excuse. It’s actually good to train in the rain so that if it does run on race day, I’ll be ready and used to it. A sad thing that happened… we went to Target yesterday and I decided to buy a running shirt that would be breathable and would not weigh in with the sweat. I got the largest size (XL) available and did not try it before going how. The thing is so tight… I’m gonna return it and get my dinero back. I was so used to wearing everything on a Small or Medium that having tops that go beyond Extra L take a little getting used to. That’s when my thought process of being ‘in between pregnancies’ need to kick in. I’m focusing on health, not being an unhealthy size 0.
Here's a recent photo of the two of us. My son will be 4 months Saturday. Honestly, the first 3 months were a blur. If we didn’t take photos I honestly would not remember how little he was and the things he used to do. He’s oh so enjoyable this son of mine. He squirms with joy when I sing his morning song (or afternoon or evening). He’s enjoying bath time way more, the latest on that, he tries to grab this bath water and bite it. Time is flying by little one. Love is here to stay. An awesome weekend to everyone out there! Oh, let me know if you enjoyed the video blog!
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Video Blog

Thursday, August 27, 2009

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O Poder de 1 (hora): Organizacao

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Toda vez que olho pra minha mesa com essa papelada juro que vai estar assim pela ultima vez. O que voces nao estao vendo e a papelada que acumulei por 11 anos vivendo aqui nos Estados Unidos.

Quando eu estava no Brasil eu escrevia muitas cartas e as recebia tambem. Quando voltei ao Brasil depois de 5 anos de ausencia fiquei surpresa a ver centenas de cartas organizadas por ordem de chegada. O triste e que muitas daquelas pessoas nao manteram contato comigo quando mudei pra ca. Pensei, ‘praque guardar palavras vazias de pessoas que desapareceram da minha vida?’ Me senti bem quando joguei aquelas cartas fora, e minha mae tambem ficou muito feliz. Eu e minhas irmas limpamos 2 armarios cheios de papeis que nao tem mais importancia pra nossa familia. O desafio e fazer o mesmo na minha casa onde ha muito mais conexao emocional. O curso de italiano que imprimi anos atras foi pro lixo. Se eu nunca li o livro e dicionario de italiano que comprei, quem diz que vou ler um cursinho de internet? Um dia ainda vou aprender italiano, mas que eu aprenda em um lugar limpo e organizado.

Quando eu estava na faculdade ganhei varios certificados. Meu bebe nao se importa com essa papelada, ele nao se importa com as notas que tirei ha anos atras. Em vez de ficar limpando o tempo todo, meu bebe quer o meu tempo comigo. Joguei todos os meus certificados fora porque na verdade o mais importante e o diploma da faculdade, nao certificados pra me motivar a terminar o curso. Eu me sinto bem melhor.

Nao consigo entender porque guardei tanta papelada por esses anos todos. E mais dificil arrastar caixas e caixas de papel de casa pra casa do que guardar as memorias.

Hoje eu tirei 1 hora pra organizar meu armario. Eu te desafio a tirar 1 hora pra se livrar de desorganizacao e achar mais tempo pra…

  1. Familia
  2. Ler um livro
  3. Deixar a porta do armario aberta sem ter vergonha
  4. Pensar em outras coisas em vez de ‘eu tenho que fazer faxina’
  5. ______________ (coloque seus motivos aqui)

Filipenses 3:12-14 (O Livro)
Bem sei que não sou perfeito, que não cheguei ainda a essa meta. Mas prossigo na minha carreira, fazendo tudo o que é preciso até chegar a esse dia, pois que foi para isso mesmo que Cristo me cativou. Repito, irmãos, eu não penso que tenha atingido esse alvo, mas uma só coisa me interessa, e é que, esquecendo as dificuldades do passado, avanço para o fim que está proposto diante de mim Prossigo assim para o alvo, tendo em vista a recompensa a receber no céu, por Cristo Jesus.

* O Poder de 1 (hora) e uma serie de artigos aqui no Simply Cintia. Volte semana que vem e descubra o poder de tirar 1 hora pra fazer algo bom pra si mesmo/a!
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The Power of 1 (hour)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Every time I look at my dinning room table cluttered like this, I promise it will be the last time.What you don’t understand or have seen is the amount of clutter I accumulated for 11 years of life in the U.S.
I was a professional clutter organizer when living in Brasil. I’ve always enjoyed writing and receiving letters and to my surprise when I went back home after 5 years living abroad, hundreds of letter were organized by date of arrival. I was a serious clutter keeper! The sad thing was that none of those folks kept in touch through the years. Why should I hold on to empty words from invisible people? It felt good to throw boxes of letters away, it made my mother’s day. I cleaned out a huge closet full of papers that no longer matter to our family. The challenge is to do the same at my house where there is way more emotional attachment to things. The Italian 101 course I printed out of the internet was trashed. I haven’t read the Italian book I bought ages ago or even opened the accompanying dictionary. I still want to learn Italian one day, the challenge is to do it in a clean and organized environment.
While in college, there were plenty reasons to give and receive awards. Being an All American Scholar no longer matters to me because my infant son doesn’t care about grade point averages, he spells love this way: TIME. I can give him quality time in an uncluttered environment. Trash can, here are Dean’s List certificates, Who’s Who certificate and other papers that no longer matter to a woman who already has degrees.
I feel better. I can’t tell you why I held on to so much for years. It’s harder to drag boxes of clutter from residence to residence than to keep the happy memories they once brought.
Today I took 1 hour to declutter from physical things that can’t give long lasting happiness. I challenge you to take 1 hour to get rid of clutter and find more time to …
1. Spend with family
2. do other things such as read a book
3. leave the closet doors open without shame
4. occupy your mind with other things other than ‘I really need to clean up’
5. _____________________ (add your own reasons here)

"I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back." Philippians 3:12-14 (The Message)

*The Power of 1 (hour) is a new Series featured weekly here at Simply Cintia. Check back next week as we continue to talk about how much power there is in taking 1 hour to do something for yourself.
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Final de Semana

Monday, August 24, 2009

* Nao e que passei os 700 posts e nem notei? Estou esperando por 1.000 pra poder comemorar. O tempo esta esfriando por aqui. Hoje o aquecedor ligou automaticamente, fui la desligar mas lembrei que o tempo esta esfriando e bom nos celebrarmos o verao enquanto o calor estiver por aqui!

* Sabado passeamos no Lake Lure, o lugar onde foi filmado o 'Dirty Dancing' lembra desse filme? Era uma sensacao quando eu estava na Setima serie! rs rs rs Principalmente a danca no final do filme. O lugar e bonito mesmo. Eu disse pro meu marido que quero assistir o filme de novo pra comparar o visual. Tiramos bastante fotos, o que foi bom porque acabou que a camera nova tem um defeito, entao vou ter que mandar de volta pra concertar.
*Ontem comemos estrogonofe de galinha com esses amigos nossos. Teve melancia e pessego pra sobremesa. Deu pra reparar a salada colorida que tivemos, o arroz branco (na verdade se chama arroz jasmine) e o girasol na mesa? Meu bebe so esta olhando pra comida mas nao sabe o que fazer, so quer leite o menino. Esta muito lindo ele.

*Vou nessa que tenho que treinar pra corrida que esta chegando! Daqui a 3 semanas vou estar escrevendo sobre minha primeira corrida de 5 kilometros depois de ter o bebe. Minha primeira dica pra que quiser participar, entre na corrida com um amigo. Como tenho uma amiga correndo (nao treinando) comigo e nos duas ja pagamos, e mais dificil vc desistir. Da primeira vez participei sozinha, mas quando cheguei la encontrei com varios conhecidos. Eu gostaria de participar daquela mesma corrida de novo e dessa vez corre-la um pouco mais rapido. Semana passada treinei 4 vezes e perdi um pouco de peso. Nao comi nada diferente do normal, minhas porcoes foram menores, mas nao anotei nada e nao fiquei com paranoia por causa de comida :) Se Deus quiser o peso vai continuar diminuindo o negocio e mudar os habitos e se concentrar no que se pode fazer HOJE. O amanha cuidara de si mesmo.
* Bom dia pra voces! Se Deus quiser ate o fds terei uma novidade aqui no blog.

Weight this week: {179.2 lbs}
Goals for the week:
{1} Train for 5K four times; Work my way up to 2 miles. (1 out of 4 done)
{2} Drink more H20;
{3} Cut down on portions;
{4} Treat myself to mani/pedi;
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Fit Friday

Friday, August 21, 2009

My goal for this week was to return to my training and thank God, I did. I started the week running just for 10 minutes and ended by running 21:38 or 1.3 miles which is the length of our city park.
I'm not as behind as I thought. My body can do more than I give it credit for and that's a blessing. The fact that I ran a 5K while 10 weeks pregnant and super tired makes me have no excuses for getting out there and training strong. Enough of excuses, it's time to walk the walk.
I'm not on a diet. I'm eating complex carbs (haven't bought bread for the house in a while), dark green veggies are a fav around here and of course, beans! We did get fast food twice this week during a road trip but that's not habit. I got a salad with grilled chicken the first time and the second time, a grilled chicken club (no fries, no drink). The next day we went back to eating as usual.
Gotta make this post super short. Have a Fit Friday everyone!

Goals for next week:
{1} Train for 5K four times; Work my way up to 2 miles.
{2} Drink more H20;
{3} Cut down on portions;
{4} Treat myself to mani/pedi;
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Hitting the Asphalt

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Running again has been a joy. In an age of supermodels who wear bikinis two whole weeks after giving birth, regular folk like me tend to take my time, enjoy my son’s milestones, learn how to be a wife & mother and take care of myself at the same time.
I am nowhere near the shape I was when I ran my first 5K at 10 weeks of pregnancy. I’m not there yet but I will get there.
The other difference is that back then I was working out in the gym mostly, now I am hitting the asphalt 100% of the time. We cancelled our gym membership in the Spring because we needed to save money and I couldn’t imagine paying for 4 months when I clearly haven’t had a chance to work out with consistency. It took 15 weeks but we are back training for a 5K! Yesterday I ran 1.3 miles in 22 minutes (that’s the length of our park) and you can imagine my exhilaration. I got so pumped I went for a long walk (lots of hills) with my baby boy who seemed to enjoy the view. Now I’m working on not overtraining, which often leads to injuries. I’m enjoying the process with exactly 30 days to go (there's a counter at the bottom of the blog). Pray for me and encourage me ok?
I’ve been into steel cut oatmeal. I heard it’s good for you, actually better than regular oatmeal. More on the health benefits here
I did notice that I wasn’t as hungry when lunch time came around when I ate steel cut. Any whole grain is awesome for you, I wouldn’t say steel cut Os are miraculous, they’re just part of a slew of things we all can do to acquire better health.

Staying at home with the Little Prince is a joy and a privilege. I am so excited we saved $10 on our light bill, $1 on our water bill, around $25 in produce (which was exactly what we paid for seeds) as well as a good amount saved because we have been eating more at home than going out to restaurants. When my king and I go out for dinner, I can usually count on a $40 bill. That’s $76 saved this month so far! God is good! I subscribe to blogs about using coupons and I have kept coupons for baby products but I haven’t completely understood the system of coupon shopping in regular stores. We go to discount stores sometimes and we get our discounts that way. In this economy, anything you can do to save is worth doing! I think that most things in our dinner table last night were bought with discount. I should do an exercise where I cook for a day with all discount things. We’ll see if I can manage to do that with a husband, an infant, a garden, a home office, laundry, etc (lol).

The Little Prince is growing up beautifully. We have had successful photo shoots now that mamae bought a new camera for her work. He’s a good sport during photo sessions, thank God. I make sure he’s fed, changed, clean and has played with me for a while before we start the clicking, changing outfits, changing backgrounds, etc. I’m totally training him to pose, it’s been fun actually.
He’s already rolling over (very, very impressive to me!), I’m waiting to see some teeth soon or later. I think during the next doctor’s visit we will talk about introducing cereal to his diet. He seems hungrier but satisfied with his formula. LP is still sleeping very well. He wakes up sometimes but we are still working on staying on his schedule.
Gotta go yall. Thanks for reading and have an awesome day! God loves you.
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Wordless Wednesday: Oatmeal Breakfast

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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Cuidando da saude

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ola povo, tudo otimo? Tudo na paz por aqui. Tenho orado pela Emi, espero que vcs possam se unir comigo em oracao por ela e pelo marido dela tambem.
Estou bem, vivendo a vida mais do que escrevendo no blog (rs).

Hoje comecei a ler o livro de Genesis. Pensei no tipo de alimentos que como quando li o que Deus falou em Gênesis 1:29:
29Disse-lhes mais: Eis que vos tenho dado todas as ervas que produzem semente, as quais se acham sobre a face de toda a terra, bem como todas as árvores em que há fruto que dê semente; ser-vos-ão para mantimento.
E bom saber que no meio de tanta coisa feita pelo homem com MSG, cheio de sal e outras gorduras, ha frutos criados por Deus que sao perfeitos pra nossa saude. O interessante e que nada tinha ‘light’ ou ‘diet’ na casca.

Outro versiculo interessante e Gênesis 4:7
“o pecado jaz a porta, e sobre ti será o seu desejo; mas sobre ele tu deves dominar.”

Gracas a Jesus o pecado esta dominado. A gula, a falta de amor proprio e todo pecado jaz a porta, mas gracas a Deus (nao a uma dieta ou formula ou remedio) ‘o pecado nao mais tera dominio sobre nos’ porque estamos debaixo da graca.

Essa semana voltei a treinar pra uma corrida de 5 kilometros. Hoje corri por 11 minutos sem parar. Ontem corri por 7. Quero continuar ate conseguir corer por 5 kilometros inteiros. Essa corrida e uma motivacao pra viver uma vida saudavel. Correr me ajuda com stress e me ajuda ter uma visao mais saudavel da vida. Em vez de ficar me sentindo mal, uma corrida e um bom habito que nos distrai do numero da balanca que com o tempo muda.

Ate a proxima!
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Hello Darling

Friday, August 14, 2009

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Something New for You

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sometimes new mommies do not lose 40 + lbs in 3 months. I certainly haven't. After the birth of my Little Prince, I knew that there was something I could do for myself that would give me satisfaction other than to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Losing weight takes time for most people, so that was out of the table when it came to bringing me satisfaction. I couldn't run right after the birth, especially because I had an emergency c-section. I decided to get a much needed new hair cut. my hair is much shorter than before but I'm completely satisfied with it. Getting nails done also give me satisfaction, something you can feel great about in the midst of so much change. I wonder if you have thought about something you can do for yourself to make you feel great while you go through your current season of life. Even if all you can do is buy a new nail polish color, I think everyone should do something new. If spending money is a problem, what about taking a new route other than your usual exercising path? What about listening to a new radio station? There's always something small you can do for yourself that brings about great benefit.

Yesterday I started running again. I'm back to basics but with much determination. Instead of wishing I had a gym membership, I decided that the asphalt is it. I felt awesome at the end of the workout. My goal is to run 3 miles which is equivalent to a 5K. No matter what happened in my past, we are moving forward with God's help.

Yesterday the Little Prince slept for a whole 12 hours! I kept going to his room because I could not believe it. God is so good! I have time to get a lot done before he wakes up. Like pray, read and get some housework done. I'm working on making a list of projects on top of that.

Have an awesome day and do something for yourself that will bring satisfaction on the way to where you are going!
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

* O pequeno principe dormiu por 12 horas! Gloria a Deus! Fui no quarto dele 5 vezes porque nao acreditei. Acordou de bom humor e dormiu bem durante o dia. Deus e bom demais!

* Voltei a treinar. Correr faz muito bem, o mais dificil e a preguica.

* Ouvimos uma radio de Memphis o dia todo. Quando estava na faculdade estavamos pertinho, entao escutavamos varias estacoes de radio em Memphis. Da pra escutar aqui.

* Agora que o principe esta dormindo e o rei esta em casa vou assistir tv e aproveitar a noite. Boa noite!
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In my Son's Eyes

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In my son’s Eyes

by Simply Cintia

I my son’s eyes there’s always joy
The world is alright when his eyes meet mine
I know I’m his favorite person in the whole world
He feels security, love and protection

In my son’s eyes there’s tears
But they soon disappeared when I’m around
He knows I will wipe them away
Take care of whatever need may be

In my son’s eyes I am beautiful
No matter if I’m on top of my game
He loves me for who I am
For he knows me from the inside out

In my son’s eyes there’s excitement
For my songs bring happiness
Declarations of eternal love, assurance
He relies on the voice he came to know and love

In my son’s eyes there’s hope
I will forever remember what I see in my son’s eyes
Even when he’s far away, all I have to do is
Think of who I am through my son’s point of view.

*I know there’s a country song beautifully sang by Martina McBride called 'In my daughter’s eyes' but I decided to write ‘in my son’s eyes’ because some of us give birth to mighty man (smile). Oh, I heard Martina's song AFTER I wrote this :)
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Nunca Duvide

Por alguma coincidencia tenho recebido uma revista sobre corrida chamada Runner's World. As vezes eles te mandam pra ver se vc comeca uma assinatura. Nao devo fazer isso, mas tem sido divertido ler a revista, ainda mais porque preciso muito recomecar a correr. Estou pensando seriamente em me inscrever pra uma corrida, mas tenho que treinar por pelo menos um mes pra me sentir bem em relacao a participacao. Aqui muita gente se inscreve so pra caminhar, mas gosto de correr. Outro ditado que tem aqui e que 'uns se inscrevem pra ganhar, outros pra completar a corrida'. Eu me inscrevo pra completar, essa e a vitoria pra mim. Por aqui vc ve algumas maes com bebe novinho correndo, tem blogs dedicados a isso e etc, acho que e um incentivo muito legal.
Estou me sentido muito melhor em relacao a minha nutricao e etc. Orei e pedi a Deus por direcao, e realmente Ele tem me abencoado. Um dia eu estava olhando no espelho e lembrei dessa passagem:

Romanos 4:20-21 (O Livro)

"Mas Abraão nunca duvidou. Ele acreditava em Deus, e a sua fé se fortaleceu até, e pôde assim louvar Deus por essa bênção ainda antes de ela se concretizar. Ele estava certíssimo de que Deus era poderoso para cumprir tudo o que tinha prometido."

Em outras versoes eu leio que ele era fortalecido na fe dando gloria a Deus com a certeza de que Deus e fiel pra cumprir o que prometeu. Por isso que preciso de uma palavra de Deus na minha vida queridos. Um papel com uma dieta escrita nao da promessa a ninguem e nao pode cumprir. So as palavras que Deus fala nao voltam vazias:

Isaías 55:11 (João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada)

"assim será a palavra que sair da minha boca: ela não voltará para mim vazia, antes fará o que me apraz, e prosperará naquilo para que a enviei."

Busque a Deus sem demora, Ele tem palavras de vida pra voce. Um dia feliz com Jesus pra todos!

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Growing Up

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kids have a way of growing and when you realize weeks, months have gone by. The Little Prince is 14 weeks already. I was amazed when he turned 4 weeks! Those newborn moments do come and go speedily as I was told by many. The good thing is that we enjoyed it and we'll have more when more children are added to our family.
He's learning how to self-sooth. He fell asleep in front of me so quickly, all he needed was to grab his curly hair and his thumb. I thought that was cool. I kept wondering when humans learn how to self sooth, well, it took this little human 14 weeks.
He's sleeping much better. No need to have added cereal to the bottle. He still isn't ready for it, formula has been it. I am enjoying more rest and a more structured day.
He plays more by himself and babbles along with his little toys. Now, that's a lot of fun to watch. Everything he does is awesome to us, what a wonder it is to have a son to love and to take care of!
He's not the only one learning. We are learning right along with him. I told my husband that these 14 weeks have given me more education than I got in undergrad and grad school together. We still have a lot to learn, that's the beauty of life.
One of the many joys I have is to see his huge smile when I get him out of his crib in the morning. I know papai and mamae are his favorite people in the whole wide world and he lets us know that. That's a way I should be more like him. Love without reservations, pure, genuine love.
He loves when we sing, so we sing often, every day. We sing songs that mean a lot to us or we sing songs about things we want to teach him. That has been a lot of fun.
I thank God for my little prince. Life is just so sweet! Thank you Jesus.
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Compartilhando a Vitoria

Friday, August 7, 2009

Deus e bom demais! Essa semana apesar das dificuldades que todo mundo tem, nos temos sido muito abencoados. Essa semana com a graca de Deus o resto da conta do hospital do LP foi paga pela graca de Deus (no valor de $2.223.51 dolares). Estava no processo de renovar o meu green card e gracas a Deus hoje recebi uma carta dizendo que foi renovado! Deus e fiel.
Alem da abobrinha estamos tendo pepinos. Tanto que vou ter que dar uns pros vizinhos e amigos tambem. Nao sei se a coisinha redonda que esta nascendo e melancia ou melao, mas o primeiro esta crescendo. Viva a fartura!
O dia esta ensolarado, mas a alegria que tenho esta ensolarando muito mais a minha vida hoje. Gostaria de compartilhar as bencaos e te desejar um fds com Jesus. Agrada-te do Senhor e Ele fara aquilo que deseja o seu coracao. Entrega o teu caminho ao Senhor e o mais Ele fara. Confie em Deus, descanse em Deus, Ele tem o melhor pra voce. Um bom fds a todos!!!
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Cheap Formula

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hello friends! How's everyone doing? We're doing very well! I am feeling peace like I haven't had in a while. My scale is out of battery and I gave up on trying to lose weight by any means necessary. What this means is that I finally gave up and decided to trust God. Trusting God doesn't mean you pig out everywhere you go. It means you become God focused and not food focused. I feel awesome, the thoughts of going on a liquid diet are gone away - yep, I was that desperate. It's Thursday and I haven't been on a walk but I plan on getting out there and walking for sure, even if it's down to the neighbors and back.

The Little Prince had his first major spit up this afternoon. I'm watching him to make sure that was a one time deal, not something that will happen often. I pray we are not having problems with Symilac because we bought enough for the next 4 monts or so. The Lord blessed us with a good sale, instead of the usual $24 we bought it for $7!!! We went ahead and bought it in bulk because there's nothing wrong with the formula (I checked the expiration date and all). As I was buying all of that, I thought that in case the formula no longer works for the Little Prince, some blessed kid in my community will get the hook up. This is the result of the first trip I made to our local discount grocery store:
The vegetable garden has given us cucumbers (which I ate with peanut butter this afternoon. Not a craving, just ran out of celery) and there's melon growing. That's exciting.
I believe we're still not missing anything major on cable tv. Every time I watch it I rejoice for saving the money for a subscription. as well as everyone who has videos online do it for now. The LP is crying so I gotta go.
Here's me a two weekends ago in an out with the king and little prince :)

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Wordless Wednesday: Dinner Party

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

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O que tenho feito com meu tempo?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Uma amiga me convidou pra ir em um lugar onde tem rock climbing dentro de um ginasio, ate que foi uma boa experiencia. A filha dela trabalha em um daqueles lugares onde a mulherada (e alguns homens) pegam aquele bronze de maquina, entao tirei uma foto na maquina mais potente. Gracas a Deus ja nasci bronzeada :) A noite fomos convidados pra ir num jantar na casa de uma amiga. Achei a mesa lindissima, tirei uma foto.


Essas duas mocas vao na minha igreja. A Laci (do lado direito) esta esperando uma menina, esta pra nascer a qualquer hora. A mae dela, Arlene, esta segurando as roupinhas que comprei pra bebezinha. Foi tao bom ir no cha de bebe e comprar roupinhas de menina! Fazer compras pra bebe e divertido mesmo. Achei uma roupinha legal pro LP, por enquanto esta grande nele.

As abobrinhas nao param de crescer no nosso jardim. Agora reparei que tem uma melancia nascendo. Ja pensou que emocao? Comer uma melancia que nasceu atras da minha casa?
O LP esta aprendendo a fazer sons diferentes, e muito engracado. Ele ja vira pro lado e se move quase 360 graus no chao. E impressionante como eles aprendem isso tudo sozinhos.
Hoje foi um dia otimo pra mim. Como o LP tem dormido melhor a noite e durante o dia, eu tenho tempo de sobra pra fazer projetos por aqui. Hoje limpei o quartinho onde lavamos roupa. Aquele quarto era a vergonha da casa, a gente combinava pra nao levar ninguem la. Ate que nao levou muito tempo pra arrumar tudo. Fiquei tao feliz que resolvi terminar de limpar o quintal e colher mais abobrinhas (4) da horta. Finalmente podemos dizer que a casa esta toda arrumada. Deus e bom demais. Vou nessa pra descansar porque amanha e outro dia! Aquele abraco!
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Hopelessly in Love with You

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm a helpless, hopeless romantic when it comes to the love of my life, Zeke. He's not only the one I dreamed of because God gave me in Zeke a man who's better than I could ask for or imagine. Zeke has all of my love and affection. We don't have one song that's our song, we have several. There's so much great stuff being written out there (and we're doing our part by staying in love and writing about it) that it's unfair to have just one love song. Our last song was Fly Away (PJ Morton). Our new song is 'Love is You' (Crisette Michele). Here is the YouTube link and the lyrics.

Love is You
What's your definition of it?
How does it make you feel?
Tell me what you say that truly makes it real
Kings and Queens, Philosophers have tried so hard to find
Tell me what it means to you dear, nevermind

Love is kind when the world is cold
Love stays strong when the fight gets old
Love's a shoulder to lean on
Love is you
Love's like the water when the well runs dry
Quench my thirst, keep me alive
Just need once sip baby
Love is you
Love is you, love is you,
Love is you, love is you

Is it possible, there is a kiss that's so divine
Or am I just a fool, is it all in my mind?
Is there something chemical
A scientist might say
Well love must be a drug
To make me feel this way

Cause love's my permission to be who I am
No inhibitions cause you understand
Freedom to breathe oh baby
Love is you
Love's like a kiss when the sun goes down
Holds me tight when no one's around
Love's what I want to hold on to
Love is you

Love is you, Love is you, Love is you,
Love is you, Love is you,
Love is you, Love is you,

Love is kind, it makes me stronger
I don't have to look no longer
You're the one I cling to
Love is you
When the chips are down
Love will stick around
I'm so glad I found
Love is you

As much as I've tried to clarify
Love's quite simple, he's just my guy
A perfect definition
Love is you
Love is you, love is you
Love is you... is you...
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Paz Como um Rio

Isaías 48:17-18 (João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada)
Assim diz o Senhor, o teu Redentor, o Santo de Israel: Eu sou o Senhor, o teu Deus, que te ensina o que é útil, e te guia pelo caminho em que deves andar. Ah! se tivesses dado ouvidos aos meus mandamentos! então seria a tua paz como um rio, e a tua justiça como as ondas do mar;

Gostaria de compartilhar a leitura que fiz hoje antes de vir pra igreja. Esse versiculo e muito usando quando varias pessoas pregam sobre a prosperidadde, mas prosperidade nao significa somente ter dinheiro, nos podemos prosperar em todas as areas da nossa vida.
Outras traducoes da Biblia dizem 'Eu sou o Senhor, o teu Deus, que te ensina a prosperar; o caminho a seguir; o que é útil; a ter beneficios.
Quando Jesus e o Senhor da nossa vida Ele nos ensina o caminho que leva a paz.
Se vc pudesse ter um registro mental de varias areas da sua vida, voce pode sinceramente me dizer que ha paz no jeito que vc opera suas financas, sua saude, seus relacionamentos, no seu trabalho e com sua familia?
Deus e que tem ensina. Vigilantes do Peso te ensinam um metodo, mas Deus tem o plano perfeito pra vc porque Ele te criou, Ele e quem te guia no caminho que te dara a paz. Voce pode ter o melhor economista do mundo trabalhando pra voce mas Deus e quem te ensina a prosperar.
Oro pra que voce faca Jesus o Senhor da sua vida, pra que Deus te guie no caminho da paz.
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