Hello friends! How's everyone doing? We're doing very well! I am feeling peace like I haven't had in a while. My scale is out of battery and I gave up on trying to lose weight by any means necessary. What this means is that I finally gave up and decided to trust God. Trusting God doesn't mean you pig out everywhere you go. It means you become God focused and not food focused. I feel awesome, the thoughts of going on a liquid diet are gone away - yep, I was that desperate. It's Thursday and I haven't been on a walk but I plan on getting out there and walking for sure, even if it's down to the neighbors and back.
The Little Prince had his first major spit up this afternoon. I'm watching him to make sure that was a one time deal, not something that will happen often. I pray we are not having problems with Symilac because we bought enough for the next 4 monts or so. The Lord blessed us with a good sale, instead of the usual $24 we bought it for $7!!! We went ahead and bought it in bulk because there's nothing wrong with the formula (I checked the expiration date and all). As I was buying all of that, I thought that in case the formula no longer works for the Little Prince, some blessed kid in my community will get the hook up. This is the result of the first trip I made to our local discount grocery store:
The vegetable garden has given us cucumbers (which I ate with peanut butter this afternoon. Not a craving, just ran out of celery) and there's melon growing. That's exciting.
I believe we're still not missing anything major on cable tv. Every time I watch it I rejoice for saving the money for a subscription. Hulu.com as well as everyone who has videos online do it for now. The LP is crying so I gotta go.
Here's me a two weekends ago in an out with the king and little prince :)
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