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Journey to Bravery 
Devotional for Moms of Little Ones 

This book will encourage mothers to pursue an energetic relationship with a God who hears them and meets them where they are. Readers will learn that God wants to be involved in motherhood and He gently leads them in this journey. Devotional topics include friendships, time management, and praying for your kids.

Finding your Tribe 
Learn how to make and maintain great friendships from someone who had to start over several times.

Transitioning from Stay at Home Mom to Working Mom 
Every culture sees the value of working women from a different lens. I decided that abandoning any culture's way of viewing working motherhood and following God's plan is the best thing for me. This book offers practical tips for moms who are going back to work.

Tweeting with God 
This book addresses the reality of mothers who want to have a meaningful relationship with God through prayer but are faced with lack of time, sleep and life as they knew it.