Marathon Training: Week 9-12

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The first my family had a major move, I was dreaming of running my first marathon. I would accomplish that dream a few years later, thanks to the support of my beloved running group.

As I get closer to marathon number 6 (I know, it's hard to believe I crossed that many finish lines), I am in the middle of a major move.

Moving is not easy, yet, I can say thanks to it, I am quite the self-elected expert on transitions. As the main expert on my own life, I know that I need to connect in order to thrive.

Let's be honest, I could train by myself, but I choose not to. Enter the local running club. The greatest solution to my training challenge!

I'm not sure if you were a reader back then, but I have found running clubs in other places. Here I am running in Memphis and in North Mississippi.

I also wrote a helpful post called "5 tips for running on vacation" where I teach you how to safely run with or without people.

I decided to connect with the runners in Longview sooner than later. I attempted to run with them a month ago, but I had a bad night of sleep. Last weekend, I was in town so I joined them for a run. I was scheduled to run 7 miles but their club had an 8-mile loop. I took on the challenge and showed up a little before call time.

I was warmly welcomed. I made sure I connected with them online before actually showing up so they would know I was coming. The run was challenging but the camaraderie I felt made the miles feel easy.

Friends, East Texas is hilly. There are no hills around our current neck of the woods so, I just took on those suckers and kept going. Yep, I used my usual tactics. I usually make fun of something and I'm overly positive. I also told myself, "I eat hills like candy" although I don't like either. Anyway, I enjoyed the run because I basically took a tour of the town with the best tour guides ever. I really got a better understanding of the culture and I am so thankful for the hospitality I received.

What happens to my beloved local running club? I'll be back for a few runs. I will continue to encourage and cheer on as I need the very same thing from my friends.

Running has been a life-saver during this process. I find that having a goal for the season gives me an outlet. I can focus on my running goals instead of being completely overwhelmed with change.

So far, I'm hitting my time goals pretty well. My nutrition and hydration goals are also going well. The greatest challenge I currently face is cross-training. My gym membership ran out, which means I'm 100% responsible for training on my own. I have a workout plan and the willingness to do that. As soon as I sign up for another gym, I will be lifting weights again and strengthening my lower body with the help of the machines.

Oh, I will also need to find a sports massage place in the new hometown. So many new things. One day at a time, right? For now, I will enjoy running with my beloved running club.

My goal is to enjoy the run and the people. I will try not to think about how much I'll miss them because when I think of sad things during a run I hyperventilate - ain't nobody got time for that! I will think about our funny moments and how much I will enjoy seeing everyone on marathon morning.

Change is inevitable and what we do with it makes us resilient.

More on this series:
• Weeks 1-3
Weeks 4-8