National Running Day 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Happy National Running Day! I can't believe this is my third time celebrating. I've been a runner for 7 years. I've learned a lot about myself during this time, the sport and its power to transform lives. Running has changed my life! Here is this morning's post-run photo: 
It was a short one because in 2 days I will be wearing this gorgeous bib at my very first half marathon:
Isn't it super? It's amazing how much I almost forgot to do this week. One of my running buddies reminded me Monday to tapper. I was going to keep the mileage the same (ops!). Last night it dawned on me that I needed to get my toe nails cut so by Saturday my feet will be feeling great. I am also visualizing the course (thanks YouTube!). I am also working on my race confession. I'm thinking that it will be "reach higher, dream bigger" because that's what I've been telling myself lately as well as "press on." Come back next week for my race report!

Oh, don't forget about the Chevron Houston Marathon's Social Media Contest. If you are celebrating National Running Day, check out their contest. The prizes are SWEEEEETTTT! Don't forget that Registration for the Chevron Houston Marathon is OPEN. Click here to register.

National Running Day PHOTO CONTEST! Everyone is encouraged to share pics from their run in the comments below...get...
Posted by Chevron Houston Marathon on Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Previous Celebrations:
National Running Day 2014
National Running Day 2013