Sunday Seven

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Seven 

1 • Friendships bring refreshment to our lives. Making room for friends, near and far, will truly add joy to our lives and the lives of our friends. It is that simple. 

2 • We do not have to agree with people to be friends with them. I have friends who do not see eye to eye concerning politics, faith, and other topics. I admire their ability to see me beyond my preferences. I appreciate their listening ears and understanding hearts. Our friendship comes from years of showing up for each other, no matter what. It thrives in caring for the well-being of the other. This type of friendship champions the person regardless of the points where we disagree. This friendship listens, considers, and knows we are in this for the long haul. We stand side-by-side because we care for one another as human beings. I dare to say, God meant for friendships to develop in this manner. 

3 • I do not get to impose my way of living on someone who did not ask for such a thing. Serving others requires detachment from my agenda. Sacrificing my will and my point of view are requirements for selflessly serving others. I often ask myself, if it's not sacrificial, is it really service? 

4 • Freedom allows you to choose your own media exposure. If news outlets and digital media seem oppressive, you can diminish their influence. We vote with our viewership. We are free to turn it off, unfollow, and unlike. Technology can be your servant if you stop treating it as a master. 

5 • How much do you allow others' criticism to taint your heart? Do you 'thrive' by those hurtful words? I invite you to neutralize criticism through total forgiveness. This God-given gift allows us to free ourselves from the chains that bind us to that awful pain. No, it doesn't have to take you five years to forgive. It is truly a choice of being free now or later. Once you are free, you can internalize God's healing words. He doesn't see you as men and women see you. His vision for you is drenched in agape love. He only sees you for who you are: beautifully and wonderfully made. More than a conqueror and able to fulfill His purposes on earth. 

6 • Zeke and I talk about a wide range of topics. Lately, we have been discussing the power of silence. Silence enables us to fill our minds with deeper thoughts. Discernment empowers us to speak wisdom rather than empty words. We often pray for wisdom and I know God gives it liberally. Speaking words of wisdom at the correct moment is up to a discerning heart. 

7 • My grandmother used to sing a song that said "The miracles have not ceased, Jesus Christ has not changed..." She would often start prayer service with this chorus. I think of this statement as a fact and a hope. A fact because the Bible says it is so. I see this as hope because of the prayers I am praying. God has performed miracles in my life and the life of my loved ones. He can still do it and I know He will. I invite you to believe in Jesus' ability to answer prayers according to His word.