Sunday Seven

Sunday, August 11, 2024

 Sunday Seven

1. I can't control a lot of what happens in the world around me. I am learning to think about the things God in His word encourages me to do. I can pray and ask God for forgiveness and wisdom. I can listen to what He has to say in His word. I can have the peace of God as I enjoy peace in God. Jesus said, in the world you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world. I can take heart as I focus on God. 

2. Adaptation was the word of the week for my family. When school is back in session, our schedules and rhythms change. Thank God for grace, love, and laughter. 

3. I can think about a lot of things. I can also choose the content of my thoughts. The words of the Bible are some of my favorite things to think about. Whether I am teaching a Bible lesson or not, I choose to live what I read. Thinking about the words of the Bible allows my heart to connect to my God. He created me and His words are the sweetest content for my thought life. 

4. It's been fascinating to see the kids navigating life in their new grades. Some are in a new school. I'm praying for needs future and immediate. I remind them that God is with them everywhere. He has wisdom, grace, and peace which is theirs. 

5. I'm learning to put a pause between my reactions. I often make mistakes when I immediately react. Pausing allows Godly thoughts to fill my mind. Grace often surfaces. My words become a balm, not a bomb to the receiving ear. It is easier to reach the palate with honey than with vinegar.

6. The Fall is a great time to restart habits we need to have. Bible study, exercise, journaling, financial stewardship, attending church services. The opportunity to be who God wants us to be is disguised in the form of daily habits. 

7. I prayed for a lot of people I do not know this week. I also prayed for people I know. I am encouraged God hears and answers prayers. When He touches my heart to pray, I do. I know He is powerful to save, deliver and help in times of trouble.