Sunday Seven

Sunday, July 28, 2024

 Sunday Seven

1 • We thank God for our darling 14-year-old daughter. She is marvelous in so many ways. Majestically crafted by God for His purposes on earth. I blinked and my first baby girl grew up. I used to grab her little face with both hands and purposefully say "You are growing up right in front of me." Nothing has changed yet I am grateful for the young woman of God she is. I find this child to be very interesting and a powerhouse in God's hand. Thank God for birthdays!

2 • A Listenbee family first: the oldest two kids finished band camp. It was an honor to be there for a little bit at the end and to get a glimpse of their world. I also spent a lot of time prayer walking the high school. I know God is present and He will continue to lead and guide our kids.

3 • I completed a 150-day health challenge this past week. I reached my goal of consistency through one of the toughest (for me) seasons to stay healthy and strong. I'm deeply grateful. Two friends from WW also decided to join me. They really improved their healthy habits and lost weight every month. I'm beyond grateful for their support and company.

4 • Goal setting invites barriers to my life. Accepting barriers does not mean stopping when we see them. It means we slow down and strategize how to become stronger and overcome.

5 • Being honest, transparent, welcoming, and plainly a helpful individual is what I aim to do as a professional. While I am not responsible for the culture around me, I can be the professional God created me to be. Honesty, transparency, hospitality, and resourcefulness are things God called me to express as a professional.

6 • The summer is not over yet so we are squeezing every last bit of fun we can. I want to enjoy the beauty of God's creation and notice things such as the nuances of weather, the smell of flowers, and new life popping up everywhere. Praise God for summers.

7 • The public library was a place to have some interesting conversations this summer. Because of the work I do, I'm often in forums where people are seeking solutions for problems. They bring the entirety of their lives to these meetings. I shared a quick conversation with a family going through a major transition in life. Some of it was happy, some of it was tough. I learned about what is really important in life. I saw people getting ready to enter into uncertain territory so I offered prayers that pave the way.