Sunday Seven

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sunday Seven

1 • Friends enhance the fabric of life. I had the blessing of spending time with friends old and new this week. The gift of their presence truly transformed my week. I am grateful to God for creating friendship. I am thankful for friends who agreed to spend time with me because they treasure presence over other things we could be doing. 

2 • I have hundreds of conversations with people each week. This week, the kids’ piano teacher reminded me of what is truly required to make a difference during a divisive year in America: unconditional love. God calls us to love unconditionally and that is what Christians do. I was grateful for the reminder to love everyone, enemies included because God asks it of us.  

3 • There are legitimate reasons to complain. There are more reasons to express gratitude. When we live in a culture of complaints and we agree to follow it, we miss out on the blessings of gratitude. Gratitude is misunderstood because we think there is no room for legitimate complaints. Gratitude is understood when we use it freely from a heart that knows its great blessings. 

4 • Marriage is one of life’s great blessings. It also comes with great responsibilities. Mutual forgiveness is required and so is the commitment to champion one another. I’m more in love with my husband now than ever before. I’m fascinated by him and eager to continue to know and love him.

5 • Parenting is best coupled with prayer. Through ups and downs, unknowns, joys, and sorrows, prayer is the doorway to the divine. God, who is all-wise, has all the wisdom I need to be the parent God called me to be. So I pray without ceasing because He hears and He cares. 

6 • Often the issue is not hearing from God, the issue is obeying God. I hear from God every morning when I read my Bible. He says “forgive.” It is up to me to do what He clearly says. 

7 • Small steps lead to big changes. Making peace with the slowness of health results is wise. I didn’t get myself where I am overnight and I will not get out of here that quick. Small steps work because my whole being gets used to this new route and routine. I’m grateful for the health improvements I enjoy because I chose to take small steps.