Summer to Fall Transition: Tips for a smooth shift in routine and mindset

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Summer to Fall Transition: Tips for a smooth shift in routine and mindset.

Kids and adults are wrapping up all kinds of summer fun these days in the northern hemisphere. I want to share a few tips for a smooth shift in routine and mindset. I hope you enjoy them! 

Look at your schedule. I recently looked at the things we agreed to do in the Fall. School dismissal times, clubs, music lessons, sports, and church were included. I realized that I had a little bit too many events before I added volunteer commitments. My husband and I decided to postpone one activity until the Spring. There is nothing wrong with starting lean and maintaining a Fall schedule that works for the entire family.

Prioritize your values. God is our priority and family is our commitment during this season. We can serve God and family when we feel healthy and strong. It is fair to ask, "What are my values?" When transitioning from Summer to Fall. My values inform my priorities. Once I looked at my schedule, I noticed that dinner time would change. In the past, we sat down and had dinner most nights of the week. This year we will be driving back and forth from lessons and rehearsals. Because God is my priority, I will lean on God to help me in this new season. I will cultivate family time in the morning when most of us eat together. I will prep my food every weekend so my family will have home-cooked meals for dinner. Because health is one of our values, we prioritize home-cooked meals.

God positive. Change is not easy. It is worse when you carry a complaining attitude with you. It is like testing positive for a contagious virus. I've been there. I complained about changing. I dreaded everything involved in implementing changes. It was a miserable way to live and my children had a front seat to it. They were exposed to the virus of complaining and I was the culprit! Just so you know, I don't expect perfection in any area of my life, yet I seek the only One who is perfect: Jesus. I get honest with Him in prayer. I read His word, which fills me with good things. I think about what God expects of me. I reach out for help when I can't get out of a negative mindset. Not too long ago, God revealed to me that I had a problem with complaining. I went on a journey to discover exactly what God expected from me in this area. I'm finishing a book on the subject if you are interested. I can summarize that time as learning how to be grateful as the Bible prescribes it. A positive mindset doesn't arrive on its own but God can show us His way through His word. The antidote for complaining is gratitude. When you practice Biblical gratitude, it is as if you are testing positive for Godliness. What a great way to live!

I love the Fall and everything it brings. I also know that seasons change and with them, we are challenged to practice our faith at home and in the world. I invite you to look at your schedule. What do you see? Can you trim it out or is God calling you to do more? Remember your values. Write them down if you need to. Are the items in your schedule lining up with your values? Most of all, spend daily time with God and His word so you will test positive for Holiness without which no one will see the Lord.