
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

And let us not grow weary while doing good, 
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9 (NKJV) 

 Looking at nature is a great way of understanding the words of the Bible. In this instant world, I am often turning my eyes to the ancient process of sowing and reaping. A few weeks ago we were given basil and mind seeds at our Moms of Preschoolers meeting and I reluctantly took mine. I don't have a green thumb but I promised myself I'd do my best. I figured I needed to water the seeds I sowed and give it plenty of air and sunlight. 

Some seeds take their time but they do grow. The basil has grown much quicker than the mint. I actually need to transplant it to a larger pot because the thing is so fertile. The mint seeds did not grow as fast. I've seen grown mint plants before. I long to see the day we can smell mint when coming to our yard. This day is not today because those leaves are so tiny but they are growing. 

 Some areas in my life are like the Basil seeds: a little bit of water and some decent sunlight does the trick. It grows so easily, it's motivating. Many other areas are just like the Mind seeds: I often wonder if I'll ever get any results. I wonder if your words of thanksgiving are growing fast or slow. 

When we don’t change as fast as we think we should, we have the tendency to get discouraged. When faced with discouragement, it's important to keep reading the Bible. The words of the Bible encourages our spirit through timeless, powerful words of life. It is important to keep praying. 

I feel an immense release when I pray and cast my cares on God who cares for me. No matter what, keep believing God’s process of change during these 40 days. Galatians 6:7 tells us that God cannot be fooled because whatever a man (or woman) sows he or she will reap. He said that as long as the earth remains there will be seedtime and harvest (Genesis 8:22) which further assures me that I will reap the spiritual harvest I am planting. 

My friend, if you are dealing with discouragement, remember to read the Bible, pray and believe God's process. Your harvest is coming. 

PRAYER: God of the harvest, please help me to keep believing your eternal plans and processes for my life. I thank you in advance for my harvest. In Jesus' name, amen.