Marathon Training Weeks 13-18

Thursday, November 14, 2019

We are 66 days away from running the 2020 Chevron Houston Marathon! By the way, if you haven't registered yet, hurry up and do it because it is almost full.

During these past 5 weeks of training, we went from 9 to 14 miles. The temperatures also fell dramatically. This week, the low has been in the low 20s in our area. My sinuses haven't been happy so I have been taking a break and running indoors. The plan is to get out there at least twice so we don't lose the habit of running in harsh weather.

The truth is that you never know what kind of weather we will face in January. I need to be ready to run my best race, no matter what.

I had a particularly challenging long run a few weeks ago when I realized that my life as I knew had changed. As I finished running through endless hills, I realized that I was now living in East Texas. In East Texas, life is beautifully different. I realized that it was up to me to embrace where I am and live a life filled with contentment and joy.

I was blessed to run and PR the Heroes Half Marathon in Shreveport, Louisiana as part of my training. I want to write a blog post about the race because I enjoyed it so much. I had tears of joy as I crossed the finish line. God's been good and I am thankful for all I've experienced this season.

This weekend I running a 25K. My plan is to basically cover the distance and keep following the training plan. I've been able to keep cross-training. I am stronger for it.

The goal is to persist. We are going to finish strong and we are going to expect great things come January.

Soon I will write my goals for 2020. I don't' have any races in mind outside of the Kilgore to Longview 11 mile race. Oh, I did say I am running the Fresh 15 in the Spring. As far as I know, that's it. Well, that's not it. I enjoyed the Heroes Run so munch I said I'd do it again. As you can see, we went from zero to 3 runs already planned for 2020.

I appreciate your prayers and encouragement for me as I continue to run. I appreciate your encouragement friends! Have a great day!

More on this series:
• Weeks 1-3
• Weeks 4-8
Weeks 9-12