MWLISS: managing hunger

Friday, October 4, 2019

We moved homes and hometowns this week. How do you manage hunger during a major move? I actually ask myself a different question: "do you want this food right now or do you want to reach your goal?"

The truth is that I want to reach my goal. The truth is also that eating everything in front of me seems way easier. Last week, I used these strategies to lose weight and manage hunger during our move:

Strategy one • I decided to use my WW app to think through my options. We ate out quite a bit. I used my WW app to choose what I was going to eat. Trust me, I eat well and had what I call "fun with food." One day I had ribs with a mentor. The other time, when I went back to the same restaurant, I chose chicken breast and veggies. Thinking through my options always leads me to good choices.

Strategy two • I decided not to have extra snacks at hand. I did have snacks for the kids (and they were pretty healthy I'd say) but not for me. The goal was not to grab something and eat because it was easily available. If I was tired, I went to sleep. Usually, the temptation is to grab some random food, eat then sleep. If food is not there, it is not going to get eaten.

Strategy three • I decided to eat when hungry and stop when lightly satisfied. This strategy worked when I didn't have that much of a choice on the menu. WW works for me because it allows me to eat whatever fits in my points for the day. This is the life I want to live: a life where no food is prohibited because I eat when I'm hungry and I stop when I'm lightly satisfied.

If you are not moving but want to improve your health, these strategies will help you get there. I thought through my options. I let go of the physical presence of extra snacks. I ate when hungry, stopped when lightly satisfied.

Now that we are getting settled, my health journey continues. Next time, I will tell you about our first week at home, before we fully start cooking (we've been blessed with meals delivered nightly!) and how I am keeping my weight loss goal in the midst of this adaptation phase. Thank you for reading!

WW start weight: 175 lbs
Current: 154 lbs
First Goal: 150 lbs
Second Goal: 146 lbs
Third Goal: 136 lbs

Previously in this Series:
• First week of WW
WW Speak
• Premeditated Portion Control 
• Weights and Measures
• Time
• Carbs & WW
• Proof of Weight Loss
• Why I started
• Fear
• Daily Choices