Moving Mindset

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

For some reason, when my life is about to change in a big way, medical professionals ask me the question: "how do we feel about this?" A nurse asked me this when I confirmed that I was expecting my first baby. Recently, a doctor friend asked us the same question when we told him we were moving.

How do I feel? It depends of the time of day. I know that feelings follow mindset. Focusing on my mindset is very smart.

There is an abundance of moving advice related to the material world. There isn't a lot of advice when it comes to mindset. Everyone agrees moving is difficult, then we start talking about the inconvenience of boxing our stuff. We soon forget about your mindset and the wide range of feelings we feel.

I learned a long time ago to "feel my feelings." I also learned that it is wise to choose my mindset when it comes to moving.

Believe it or not, we can make the entire experience of moving worse because of our mindset. I choose to have a positive mindset because God is very positive about my move. With that in mind, I went back to an anchor verse we used 8 years ago when we came to TX:

“For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Isaiah‬ ‭55:12‬ 

If you want to make moving easier, carefully choose your mindset. How do you do that?

1 • choose an anchor verse. It is wise to ask yourself, "how does God feel about this?" or "Who is God for me in this situation?"
2 • choose words to describe your specific mindset. My words are  "joyful" and "peaceful."
3 • feel your feelings. It is just healthy to feel your feelings. I've been doing that throughout this entire transition. I also have a few friends who have been extremely supportive by listening to me, talking through my stuff and actually allowing me to cry when needed.

I know that moving and transitions are not easy. The good thing is that I can choose my mindset. I can be positive about the new thing God is bringing to pass. I can also feel my feelings.

More posts in this series:

• Moving to Texas in 2011
• Hope during transition
• Isolation
• Making Friends and Singing (video)
• How my roots grew deeper
• Unintentional Church Hopper
• Transition and the dorm room
• Transitioning from stay-at-home mom to working mom
Moving to Longview 2019