Weight Watchers: Plateau

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

My weight hasn't changed for 5 weeks and I'm ready for the weight loss to continue. I decided that now is the time to dedicate myself to my goal.
I came out of a season of transition in life (job and home change) and now that things are stable, I am paying close attention to my “one thing” for the year: weight loss.

Here are some reasons to celebrate:
• I'm at the lowest weight I’ve been for the past few years
• I have learned that I will rock at maintenance because I know how to make the scale not move
• My pants are all in need of a belt
• I feel better each day
• I am getting great at reminding myself of my ultimate goal when the going gets tough

I thought about joining an actual physical weight watchers meeting but I can’t swing it during the school year. I decided to persevere and reach my goal by tracking my food and preparing for success.

It did take a while to get to stability. When I was fresh from moving, I was upset because I couldn’t pack school lunches as I was doing before the move. Slowly I got back in the habit. It took getting my kitchen unboxed and organized. It took late nights and early mornings but I did it.

I learned that I too can use a little bit more food planning. I was doing great during the day but dinner time was not as great as I wanted it to be. My focus for the week is to pre-plan my dinners. The quality of the dinners increased this week because of better planning. My goal of having family dinners with quality meals most of the week will be achieved.

Weight loss is not a linear activity. All of life plays a part, at least mine does. I’m okay with having grace and understanding during challenging seasons of life, as long as we do not give up. 2018 is the year I will reach my health goals.

Goal for the week: Track 7 days with the Weight Watchers app. Exercise at least 5 times.
Start Weight: 175 lbs
{Goal Weight:} 136 lbs
{{Current Weight}}: 164 lbs (week 5 of plateau and I'm ready to lose the next 10 lbs!)

Previously in this Series:
• Transitions