Weight Watchers: New Normal

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

It feels good to be back on track after moving homes within 16 hours and celebrating Easter with our family. Oh yeah, we ran a race that weekend too.

Last week, I decided to focus on each day as individual units of possibilities. I packed my food and took it to work. I happily woke up early to exercise.

Moving homes really gave us a new enthusiasm for reaching our goals. I'm telling myself that this is my new normal. I'm pressing on because in the past, I've developed what I can an entitlement mentality. I'd lose weight only to gain it all back. Now that we are settled, I'm determined to finish what I started.

I've learned that giving up on my journey is not an option. Persistence got me here and determination will help me finish my goal. I started this journey 11 pounds ago and now I only have 28 to go in order to have a normal BMI. I can and I will.

My goal for the next week is to enjoy this process. If I don't enjoy this process, my body's reaction will be negative. When I enjoy the weight loss process I:

1. Rest well - I recently heard Tom Ziglar say that his secret for having self-control is sleeping well at night. It is true that the less rest I get, the more difficult it is to say no to extra eating.

2. Eat well - I prefer to cook most of my food and eat mostly at home. I prefer to eat mostly vegetables, legumes and fruit. Today's lunch was simple but everything I ate, I cooked from scratch (rice, black beans, chicken). When I eat well, I feel well.

3. Exercise with joy - I finally got my bike tuned up and now I am officially ready to go on family bike rides. I enjoy exercising and when I have something new I can look forward to, it adds joy and refreshment to my routine.

I admire people who can beat their bodies for a certain amount of time and lose weight never to gain again. I'm obviously not one of them. I have to find ways to joyfully live with my body and joyfully enjoy the investment I make daily.

Goal for the week: Track 7 days with the Weight Watchers app. Exercise at least 5 times.
Start Weight: 175 lbs
{Goal Weight:} 136 lbs
{{Current Weight}}: 164 lbs

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