Weight Watchers: Challenges and Opportunities

Sunday, December 3, 2017

this is me at a recent Christmas party, we're playing a game.
It feels like I am learning a foreign language but it feels great. Many moons ago, when I learned I got a scholarship to attend school in the U.S., I took a 3-month intensive English course where I became fluent in English. Those three months were enough to get me going in the direction of my goal. Being back with Weight Watchers feels exactly the same. 
If you are a new reader, click here to read and see my previous weight loss stories with numbers, photos and all that good stuff.  
Your next question may be, if you've been so successful, why are we trying to do this again?
running in foggy weather recently,
The honest answer is, I have a small weight problem. I am fixing it before it becomes a big weight problem. My goal is to be a healthy wife and mother. My desire is to be healthy to accomplish everything God has called me to do. I visited my doctor recently who gave me the thumbs up as well as a weight goal and we are in this journey to win. 
Progress after baby number dos. Nice visual!

I'm familiar with my challenges: being tired and being too busy. I'm also familiar with my opportunities: planning ahead and sticking with my plan, one small step at a time. 
I know that if I use Weight Watchers as an instrument, I will succeed. I also know that weight watchers cannot fix all my problems (just like long distance running is not a problem fixer for me). I am aware that I need to take care of the root of my issues in order to find the correct solution. 
This journey is about taking small steps towards the right direction. 
I started journaling my food around 5 or so months ago and I was able to lose weight during a difficult season of transition. I'm thankful to God for the strength and courage to stick with my resolve to cultivate better health.
Once the transition was done, I felt it was a great time to make the plunge and use Weight Watchers as a tool to reach my health goal.
I want to encourage my readers who feel that just like me, they need to make a change but life feels busy and nearly impossible right now. I'm here to tell you, there is hope. My advice for you is: take a small step. Name your challenges as well as your opportunities. You will get there.