It takes life to create life. Today I want to encourage you to look at the canvas of your life and create something new and filled with excitement. My canvas was empty 2 years ago when it comes to friendships. Although we're no longer newbies I still remember how incredibly difficult transition was. I felt isolated. I felt lonely and with little hope. A few months after our move God sent me my friend Erika who introduced me to a great group of new mommy friends. 6 months later I was blessed to get a spot at a local MOPS group. I'm steady meeting new friends and creating life through friendships has been a rewarding experience. Here are 3 ways to create life through friendships:
1 • Be Positive - You can't give what you don't have. While I was feeling isolated I had some great friends in North Carolina who reminded me to stir up the Life that was inside of me. They encouraged me to show myself friendly and to believe the word of God. Living in the regret that you have no friends will not help you (I can't emphasize this enough). It's okay to talk about it but move on and fill your heart with hope. Positive people have more friends than negative people do.
2 • Toxic Levels - When looking for a friend, be sure to check your toxic level. If you need to be the center of attention or if your way is the only way, you might be a toxic friend. Working on being a more considerate and giving person is a great way to create life through friendships. I think that down time you have waiting for new friends can be a healing time. It certainly was for me.
3 • Understand Seasons - there is one thing that is for sure about seasons: they come and go. Some friends are in your life for a season, others for a lifetime. Do not grieve your seasonal friendships for 40 years my friend. Be thankful for the role of those friends in your life and be open to the new friends God has for you. God has an amazing array of friends for this season of your life if you are open to receive them. It is my experience that these wonderful people are not who will expect them to be so being open to receive these gifts is very important.
It takes life to create life. Be positive, check your toxic levels and understand the concept of seasons so you can create a new and exciting life for yourself through friendships.
Action Item: Identify 3 steps you can take today towards creating life through friendships.
Related Posts:
• Hope During Transition
• Isolation
• While I Wait: Do Something
1 • Be Positive - You can't give what you don't have. While I was feeling isolated I had some great friends in North Carolina who reminded me to stir up the Life that was inside of me. They encouraged me to show myself friendly and to believe the word of God. Living in the regret that you have no friends will not help you (I can't emphasize this enough). It's okay to talk about it but move on and fill your heart with hope. Positive people have more friends than negative people do.
2 • Toxic Levels - When looking for a friend, be sure to check your toxic level. If you need to be the center of attention or if your way is the only way, you might be a toxic friend. Working on being a more considerate and giving person is a great way to create life through friendships. I think that down time you have waiting for new friends can be a healing time. It certainly was for me.
3 • Understand Seasons - there is one thing that is for sure about seasons: they come and go. Some friends are in your life for a season, others for a lifetime. Do not grieve your seasonal friendships for 40 years my friend. Be thankful for the role of those friends in your life and be open to the new friends God has for you. God has an amazing array of friends for this season of your life if you are open to receive them. It is my experience that these wonderful people are not who will expect them to be so being open to receive these gifts is very important.
It takes life to create life. Be positive, check your toxic levels and understand the concept of seasons so you can create a new and exciting life for yourself through friendships.
Action Item: Identify 3 steps you can take today towards creating life through friendships.
Related Posts:
• Hope During Transition
• Isolation
• While I Wait: Do Something
This was timely. 3 things I can do in addition to what you wrote - be the friend you want to be; don't get tired of reaching out and relax and enjoy where you are.
This is great and I do need to work on being a better friend, letting go of past hurts and knowing God is always there for me no matter what. I choose to reach out and be a better friend not holding back. Thanks Cintia for your post👍
These sound great ladies! I appreciate you reading and for the encouragement you always give. You are great friends and God will bless you!
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