Doing the Hard Thing: Getting Organized this Fall with Kids

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Our family, Fall of 2012

Doing the Hard Thing: Getting Organized this Fall with Kids

I love the Fall. I love a new rhythm of life and the possibility to serve my family well. Getting organized is more than aesthetics. It is about pressing on to be who God called us to be this season.

These are a few of the areas that can/could use organization.

Wardrobe • Kids grow so fast. Autumn is a great time to go through closets and see what still fits. The kids have always been my priority. This year, I took 15 minutes to go through my wardrobe and say goodbye to pieces that needed to be donated. It was a great use of my time and resources.

Finances • The kids are actively working on learning how to manage money. This Fall, we continue the conversation and the actions that will help them be great managers of the resources God gave them. As parents, we are determined not to shy away from being good stewards of the resources God has given us. I want to plan and prepare for the holiday season and all our current responsibilities.

Schedule • We revisited our Fall schedule before the summer break was over. It was because of that exercise that we cut back on some activities. We continue to monitor our schedule as a way to be good stewards of the time and energy God has given us. We can't do everything. What we can do, we will do it to the best of our ability.

Friends • You probably have seen a meme of two about how adults are too busy to keep up with friends. They are funny because they are true. The Fall is a great season to rekindle friendships. There is no need to burden one's schedule. All it takes is to simply tell a friend: "I am thinking about you. I appreciate our friendship. Have a great day!" Use your preferred method of communication and hit send. I have the habit or writing letters to my friends. I plan on sending some happy mail out before the end of the year. I am really good about honoring my kids' friendships and encouraging them to find and maintain good friends. Depending on our kids social calendars, there is little time for our own. I believe we can find a happy balance by keeping simple. Just tell a friend you are still available to be a friend.

Faith • A lot of Bible studies start Fall studies this time of year. This is a great opportunity to grow and mature in our faith. The Fall is a great time to catch up on late Bible reading. If for some reason you stopped going to church, go back this Fall. God's house is open and ready to receive you. Be sure it is a Bible-believing church.

Goals • My husband found our 2015 goals the other day. Reading them brought great memories of our lives back then. We wanted to see something new and we planned on doing just that through our goals. I do not want to forget the goals I set in January. The Fall is the time to revisit them and find the perfect strategy to finish the year strong. No matter how big the goal, we can accomplish a lot of we decide to execute the strategy we choose.


Food • The Listenbee Family kitchen takes on a different note during the Fall. We wait until it gets cooler to cook denser foods. My husband has a delicious pumpkin cake he only prepares during the Fall. We share pumpkin-flavored treats with our neighbors. My challenge is to use seasonal vegetables weekly. I believe eating seasonally can bring a lot of joy to our palate.

Travel • We travel to see family during the holiday season. We decided to plan and prepare ahead of time. You can't plan early for any trip or travel especially when the entire family is involved.

How about you? What are the areas of your life that can use organization this Fall?