Even when I'm late, I get something out of the Bible in One Year reading. I learned over the years that my life gets extra busy at times. I read my Bible daily but I do not always follow my reading plan.
Recently, I was invited to be a guest instructor at a Sunday School class. I took a break from my daily reading to study and prepare for the lesson. Once I was finished, I kept going with my reading.
I confess, there's a part of my brain that thinks the Bible only works if I follow the plan perfectly. Not so.
Even what I'm reading does not match the date on the top of the page, God speaks to me.
I'm in 1 Samuel. I'm reading about David fleeing from Saul while being honorable towards God and King Saul. Instead of being obsessed with small details and the fact that I don't speak fluent Hebrew, I turn my eyes to God and His people.
I ask: What does this passage tell me about God and His character? What happens when one follows God wholeheartedly, despite the chaos around him?
There are a lot of lessons to learn. I marvel at the fact that David was talented and strong enough to revolt against those who were trying to cause Him harm. He could easily turn his back to God and His law. Yet he didn't. He inquired of the Lord. He yielded to the conviction of the Spirit. He followed God despite the turmoil and dangers around him.
After reading about people inquiring of the Lord so much in 1 Samuel, I decided to do the same thing.
Yes, I pray regularly. No, I don't always inquire about some decisions.
I simply asked God if I should proceed to go on a trip we were planning. I felt led not to go. I canceled everything and proceeded to finish my coffee and leave for CrossFit.
I've been reading about people hearing from God and obeying immediately. I thought I'd take the same approach.
I'm learning to use the Scriptures as guidance for everyday life.
Who knew being late in my reading would cause me to think about what I read and inquire of the Lord.
I'm grateful that God speaks and His book is very much relevant for the life I live today.
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