No water

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I started my day with the most difficult (well, one of them anyway) Scriptures to interpret in the New Testament. 1 Timothy Chapter 2. It was 4 a.m. and my coffee had not quite kicked in. My brain wanted to think about all the wrong interpretations for the passage. That’s when the Holy Spirit encouraged me not to shy away from learning something new. I finished my time with the word. I did learn something new. On my way out to CrossFit, I wrote “Scriptures do not leave us without hope.” 

One of the verses I read said that women should adorn themselves with self-control. That’s exactly what I didn’t do when I got ready to start my workout. My mindset was not as strong as it should have been. As I was finishing, I thought: “why did I doubt myself? I’m clearly stronger than I think I am.” Self-control could have taught me that my mindset was wrong. 

Adorning myself with self-control looked like this: stress was not going to reign freely but complete confidence in God was going to fill me with peace. Peace was going to fuel my mind and body during that difficult workout. While peace was not going to make the workout easier, it would help me lift heavier so I could grow stronger. 

The day goes on. I call water utilities to not only pay my bill but to schedule the water to be cut off at the end of the month. I want to get ahead of my busy schedule. I thank the lady who helped me. I proceed to cleaning and finishing my chores before a few home inspectors walk in. I notice the water has been cut off. Today. I do get mad but not mad enough that my brain is not working. 

I think about the faith I profess. I think about the words of 1 Timothy 2. I embrace the self-control I am encouraged to put on. Then, I call the city. Mind you, I’m a reformed professional complainer. I can get results without Jesus on my side. Good thing He taught me a lot about gratitude. I’m placed on hold. 

While I’m ferociously cleaning without water, the word “gratitude” pops into my head. I know it was God reminding me of the lessons He has taught me these past 2 years and a half. So I mentally list a few things I’m grateful for. My heart is filled with so much joy. 

By the time another lady answers the phone, I have a smile on my face. I explain to her what my problem is while smiling. I ask if she can help me. She listens with urgency. She tells me there’s a way to find out exactly what we talked about. She tells me she will call me back. 

Well, I can’t wait. So I finish cleaning my home and I drive there. 5 minutes later she does call. She tells me someone will turn the water back on. I rejoice as I tell her: “thank you so kindly! This is a blessing!” This conversation could have gone the other way if it wasn’t for self-control. 

Proverbs 25:28 paints a clear picture of my life when I choose not to have self-control. I’m like a city broken into and left without walls. Without self-control, I’m awful. I complain. I’m angry. I make strangers pay for my bad attitude. God has a better way. But it has to start in the heart. 

Even when my heart wasn’t willing to entertain the idea that I should put on self-control, God encouraged me not to shy away from the truth of His word. Also, I learned that while I thought I was reading the Bible for that so-called controversial passage, God was gracefully encouraging me to open my mind and heart to the entire truth. 

Scripture did not leave me without help or hope today. I’m sharing this story because I believe God can do the same thing for you. 

He can give you hope. He can encourage you not to shy away from things you think are too difficult to grasp. His truth is eternal and it is also near us. I pray that today, you will embrace self-control. I pray that you start by allowing God to take control of your heart as you read His book.
Jonna Griffin said...

Great word!! As my husband has taught me we attract more bees with honey than vinegar!! I am so thankful for your lessons on gratitude is has certainly changed my attitude and made me more on guard for complaining. I have too much to be thankful for to waste my words on complaining.
Can you imagine if you would have had an attitude with the city you would probably be still waiting for your water to be turned on.
Thank you Cintia,
May this bless all that read it.