12 Days of Christmas Devos: Worship

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

46 And Mary said:
“My soul magnifies the Lord,

47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

48 For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.

49 For He who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His name.

50 And His mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation.

51 He has shown strength with His arm;
He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

52 He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted the lowly.

53 He has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.

54 He has helped His servant Israel,
In remembrance of His mercy,

55 As He spoke to our fathers,
To Abraham and to his seed forever.”

Luke 1:46-55 (NKJV)

I love this passage of scripture, known as "the song of Mary." Growing up in Brasil, "the song of Mary" was used throughout the year in our worship set list.

Can you imagine, singing this passage for 12 months? This simple cultural act, taught me two things:

• Scripture shouldn't be allocated to one month of the year. We can enjoy all its fullness throughout the year.

• We can learn from Mary and exalt the Lord in detail. Mary gave us quite a bit of detail on why her soul was magnifying the Lord. She included the history of her people in her song. Have you ever considered praising God for what He has done for your own ancestors? Remember, if you don't access to your history, you can pass your own to your children. Basically, we can tell them of what God has done for us.

This season is a great one to magnify our Lord. Let's tell our own family of what He has done for us. Let's magnify Him year round.