Camp Listenbee 2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018

This weekend we are celebrating 54 days of Camp Listenbee. It has been a full summer, filled with all types of good things. The kids had fun and we learned a lot as we hosted family. The summer is not over but we have learned so many lessons we will forever treasure. Here are a few.
swimming is the best

The highlight reel
- this is what we show you on social media. No one knows the extent of what it takes to make life work during the summer unless you are present right there. Please don’t let the internet fool you: we never show you all it takes. It took a lot of prayer, love and patience. We do give God the credit for keeping us and for leading us during this journey.
vacation Bible school

Organic discipleship
- I learned that organic discipleship might be the way to go with me. I had intentions to have a very organized time of discipleship with the kids but we went the organic route. If they had a question, we answered. Instead of following a program, we basically focused on topics they were interested in such as the Bible and science and the prophet Ezekiel. I know, I wouldn’t pick these topics myself. It’s worth listening to what they are interested in and building disciples from there.

Rest is best - I’m a stickler when it comes to rest. We all need rest. I believe that practicing rest helps all human beings as they grow old. Establishing a rhythm of rest is a gift.
We are "famoos"
Memory bank - The last time we had the kids over for the summer, I read that today’s activities will be tomorrow’s memories. You can’t decide what people will remember but I believe that if we live in love, good memories will follow. I was very aware that everybody’s memory bank was getting filled.

Goodness from friends - a few of our friends displayed a huge amount of goodness toward us. I’m thankful for their kind gestures. Human beings do puzzle me. I’ve learned just to observe them and to be thankful to those who decide they are going to reach out and love us, no matter what we have going on.

As we move to the final phase of our summer, I’m thankful for all the support we’ve had from our family. It took a village and I am grateful to those who chose to help make Camp Listenbee successful. I am also thankful to the kids themselves. They are an immense source of joy and blessing daily. I am thankful to God for keeping us and leading us. His love never fails.

More in this series: