Running with a stick. Must the new route! |
• We moved in 16 hours. It was intense but we had a lot of help. Our friends came through and we are currently unboxing everything. I will write a post about organization when it relates to packing and moving. I learned a few things we can do before ever having to move. This morning I ran in my neighborhood. I took a stick just in case I saw wild life. I've seen deer and wild pigs during my runs. I'm sure this stick would totally scare them. Haha!
• My friend Nylse interviewed me and I'd love for you to go to Life Notes and read it. Just click here.
• My scale broke last week so I went to the store and I bought a cheapo one. I will fill you in this week as my Weight Watchers series continues.
• I realize I also have to update you on the "Showing up for the Audition" post. I've been singing with our church choir as well as with our worship team. It's been an honor to serve, no matter where I am. I feel strongly that I don't need a microphone to sing to the Lord. I also feel strongly that I need to show up for the audition and be open to do whatever God asks of me. I will tell you more about leading worship in Spanish and Portuguese at church. It's been fantastic to say the least!
• Now that Easter is over, I understand that the Bible story goes on. Jesus showed up in a bunch of places before He went to heaven. I'm determined to keep reading the story so my kids have a good sense of what happened after Easter.
• If you are a new reader, please make yourself at home. This is a place where we spread hope online, one post at a time. You can connect me everywhere on social media as well as here on the blog. You are welcome and I'm so glad you are here!
Have a great week everyone and please come back to read the blogs I told you I will write :)
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