1/2 cup of Oats and More; 1 banana
1 cup of black eyed peas; 2 tortillas; 1 cup of tea
Water 64 oz
1 cup of tea; 15 black grapes
1 cup of black eyed peas; 2 tortillas; 1 cup of coffee
Walked! 2.4 miles
"Determinaçao hoje, traz sucesso amanha."
21 reasons to lose 21 pounds by DivaC

1- I need to be healthier
2- I will feel better
3- My clothes will fit better
4- I will be happier
5- I won't be as tired
6- I love Cintia
7- My skin will look better
8- I'm worth it!
9- I will be humbled
10- I will look great on the beach
11- I will develop self-control
12- I will look great when I go ANYWHERE
13- My self-esteem will be sky high
14- My man, who loves me, will be very pleased
15- I will be even more confident
16- I can encourage someone else who wants to lose weight
17- I will be in control of my emotions
18- I will get rewards along the way
19- My greater reward is to become more like Cintia
20- I will look great on my wedding pictures
21- Through Christ I can do all things.