In the 60s, my Brazilian father had the dream of studying in the United States. Everyone he talked to discouraged him. He reached his goal 30 years after that first dream. When it was my time to come, resources were scarce (my parents didn't tell me this until I graduated from College). I arrived here with $200 dollars in my pocket and a few days days later someone entered my dorm room and robbed me of $100. Conditions were bad but I proceeded. Today I have a Master's Degree and I owe nothing but gratefulness to God for my education.
I have learned that I can complain about the lack of perfection in life or I can praise what I do have and be raised to a new level.
Reaching a worthy goal requires imperfect conditions. I have learned that the only place where perfect conditions can blossom is inside of my mind and soul. I do understand God's role in some goals we may have. I also understand that many times, He's waiting for us to proceed and see Him open doors and give us favor. Waiting in fear will never get us to those doors.
When people tell me I'm bad at what I do (trust me, this happens quite often) and I should quit, I proceed anyway. The last time I was told I was bad at my dream job, I said thank you and I finished the job I started. God, in his mercy, opened doors for me to go from that job top 50 newspaper to a top 10 newspaper.
When conditions are bad and discouragement is great, cry your tears for a minute, dry them quickly and proceeded any way.
Friend, I don't know what you have on your plate today. I'm looking at some of my conditions and they are not perfect. I want to tell you and I that if we stay the course, if we courageously step forward, God will meet us in our uncertainties. He's excellent at calming bad weather conditions. He's brilliant at making a way out of no way.
It is up to you and I do leave discouragement behind and persistently run towards our dreams.
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