Here are a few things I do when life gets discouraging:
• Refuse to let negativity have the greater space in my ear channel. Yep, I limit my news intake. I know things are bad but trust me, if you come from where I come from you know things have always been bad and I hate it but they might get worse. I limit my news intake because the mouth speaks out of the intake of my heart. I get particular to increase the intake of good news so that I can speak good things for others to hear. This is coming from a journalist friends.
• I listen to feel good music. My latest jam is Mali Music's "Fight for You." Look up the lyrics. So good.
• I go outside. I might walk, swim, run or just take a breather. The other day I thought my outside light was on and I realized it was the sunset. That gorgeous shade of orange reminded me that the God who created the universe is in control, no matter what circumstances may indicate.
• I dance. It doesn't look pretty and no one will ever pay to see me do such thing but dancing is fun, freeing and my personal offer of gratitude to God for my life.
• I keep my nose in the Bible. Reading the One Year Bible has helped me with that discipline. I go back to my notes if I need an extra dose of encouragement.
• I pray. I might do it in the kitchen, bathroom, living room. I don't much care who's around (I'm the person who will offer to pray with a stranger in the park if I feel I need to bless them), I do care to grab a hold of God. Life is tough, no need to wait for Sunday when we have a very present help in times of trouble through Jesus. Direct access to the Father rocks.
• I get enough sleep and I drink plenty water. I've learned that in seasons of stress, rest and water are my friends. When I get enough sleep, I feel rested in my body and mind. I'm able to make better decisions. Being stress and dehydrated at the same time is a curse, no one wants that.
• I let my friends help me. I've learned to welcome my friends words of encouragement and prayers as a gift from God.
• I help other people. There is power in leaving self-pity behind and helping a fellow human being. I don't do it so I can forget about my circumstances. I do it because my God is a giver and He is generous and I want to be just like Him. I also know that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
• I develop a list of non-food related treats. Giving myself a mani/pedi is an item. Giving myself the gift of 1-hour of non-interrupted writing is another. I guess we could call this self-care.
When the going gets tough, it is crucial to know who my anchor is. My anchor is Jesus and His amazing sacrifice on the cross. Because of Him, I can go through any season with assurance that He will encourage me with His perfect love. What are some things you do when your life gets discouraging?
• I dance. It doesn't look pretty and no one will ever pay to see me do such thing but dancing is fun, freeing and my personal offer of gratitude to God for my life.
• I keep my nose in the Bible. Reading the One Year Bible has helped me with that discipline. I go back to my notes if I need an extra dose of encouragement.
• I pray. I might do it in the kitchen, bathroom, living room. I don't much care who's around (I'm the person who will offer to pray with a stranger in the park if I feel I need to bless them), I do care to grab a hold of God. Life is tough, no need to wait for Sunday when we have a very present help in times of trouble through Jesus. Direct access to the Father rocks.
• I get enough sleep and I drink plenty water. I've learned that in seasons of stress, rest and water are my friends. When I get enough sleep, I feel rested in my body and mind. I'm able to make better decisions. Being stress and dehydrated at the same time is a curse, no one wants that.
• I let my friends help me. I've learned to welcome my friends words of encouragement and prayers as a gift from God.
• I help other people. There is power in leaving self-pity behind and helping a fellow human being. I don't do it so I can forget about my circumstances. I do it because my God is a giver and He is generous and I want to be just like Him. I also know that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
• I develop a list of non-food related treats. Giving myself a mani/pedi is an item. Giving myself the gift of 1-hour of non-interrupted writing is another. I guess we could call this self-care.
When the going gets tough, it is crucial to know who my anchor is. My anchor is Jesus and His amazing sacrifice on the cross. Because of Him, I can go through any season with assurance that He will encourage me with His perfect love. What are some things you do when your life gets discouraging?
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