My Weight Loss: Start where you are

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The last time I gave you a weight loss update was 10 lbs ago, a year ago. Here is where I am. 
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Start where you are.
 My plan is to practice what I preach. I have started my food journal, but I am doing it all digital this time. Paper works but for some reason I haven't been able to swing it. I also find that seeing my goals and rewards as I log in my food intake really helps me to stay focused.
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My new digital food journal
Every time I got started on my weight loss journey I had to learn the valuable lesson of "you have to start where you are." I had to stop looking at the rearview mirror in order to move forward. Just so I feel better, I must tell you that in the past year I've been able to kinda keep the weight loss but by the time marathon rolled around I was back at my same marathon weight. Ok, now I am officially done looking in the past and I move forward. Many might think that there's nothing wrong with my weight and they are entitled to their opinion. My reason to keep going is to finish what I started. My goal is to have a normal BMI and therefore avoid a lot of the diseases I can prevent through lifestyle changes. Another side effect: less weight in my joints which will allow me to run easier. After starting where you are, it's very important to know your "why." I have been in this long enough that I know that my reasons need to take these 7 steps to ensure success. 
As far as updates on my journey, I will do them here on the blog once a month. There are a million  weight loss challenges out there and I dare not start yet another one - you know I'm already doing my own TV Show Challenge. I think that once a month is plenty time for you to see my progress and hopefully be inspired to start where you are. 
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A new look from this week. The wrap is a gift from Malawi.
The body you have brought you to where you are. Don't compare yourself with others, not even with your past self. The way you see yourself needs to line up with the way God sees you. He loves you and His thoughts about you are so wonderful it makes Him sing! Start where you are my friend. Know your "why" and take small steps. Thanks for joining me in this journey! 
I don't have a question for you but I'd be glad to take any questions from you.