The New You is calling

Sunday, February 10, 2013

There isn't any waiting time for the machines in the gym. This tells me that the stats are correct and most people have given up on getting fit in 2013. I'm here to tell you that this year you will not be part of these stats because the New You called a meeting with The Old You to say:

Forget about your Past Stats. Old things have passed away and you can only work with the present with a lot of hope for the future. Give yourself a pat in the back for losing all that weight on your crazy diet last year and forget about it. It's imperative that you focus all your energy in the present because focusing in the past only brings regret.

Change your Focus. Andy Stanley wisely said, "It's always a mistake to decide what you going to do before you determine who or what you want to be. Who we are on the inside finds its way into all the things we do." When you meet with the New You, don't fail to address the most important issue in behavior change: who the Old You want to become. For example, my 'to be goals' are to become determined, resilient and strong. My 'to do goals' are to weight train at least twice a week and to build my running base.

• Remember your Humanity. We all have bad days, weeks, months. We all mess up when we decide to accomplish our fantabulous goals. It is important to advance towards the New You loaded with Compassion and understanding. It is through this realization that we learn to be more understanding and encouraging of others. How can you have more compassion for yourself? Practice saying good things about yourself to yourself. When I have a difficult week and do a lot of stress eating, I tell myself 'there's always tomorrow, you can and will succeed. Everyone has difficult days. You made it and you matured through it.' Bringing condemnation on myself never, ever helps. I'm a human being not a human doing everything precisely correct at all times.

By forgetting what lies behind, changing your focus on what's ahead and remembering your humanity you will succeed in 2013.
QUESTION: How can any of these 3 strategies help you reach your goals?

Posts of Goal Setting:
Goals for 2013: Why?
Reaching Fitness Goals
Reassessing my Goals
Exercise: Pre-planning Works
3 Ways to be More Productive