The Resolution: Rest

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

When people make a decision on New Year's resolutions they usually try to do more instead of less. I am a person who is always on the move so resting more is an ongoing goal of mine. Here are some powerful Words if you need more rest:

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." 
Matthew 11:28-29

Jesus promises to give me rest if I come to Him. He never said that coming to Him means more work and stress. These are often things we put on ourselves. This afternoon the words "learn from Me" jumped out of the page for me because learning is a process. I am often hard on myself if I don't get something quick enough in my walk of Faith but I am learning that God teaches through process. Learning to rest is a process I am willing to enjoy this year. I know that when I find rest for my soul my body will also rest. I am a witness that some seasons of life are busier than others but we were not built to remain stress for the rest of our lives. Jesus offers rest because that's the best way to live. When we function from rest we make better decisions for ourselves and those around us. Tomorrow is my birthday, so I'll post about that but next in this series I'll share encouragement for those who want to exercise more often as a resolution for 2013.