Humility, Hope, Relationship

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Holy Bible. This book transforms my life. Lately I’ve been trying to get out of the ‘I’m too busy’ mindset and jump into a more serious spiritual discipline when it comes to reading my Bible. There’s nothing like giving undivided attention to this marvelous book.

I’ve been finding a lot of comfort and wisdom as I read. Yesterday, this book gave me just the answer I was looking for. It helped me to embrace humility and it ushered me into a marvelous change of heart. As I read the red letters, I found a teaching that was not easy to do but the right thing to do. I have also learned to:

Embrace Humility • these words of life helped me to act more humbly. Throughout the Book, we are encouraged to be as Jesus is. If I don’t take time to read, it becomes challenging to get to know Him better. There’s only so much I can get from good advice. God is challenging me to move from good to Godly and reading the Bible helps me to accomplish just that.

Find Hope • the world around me is full of hardships, so this Book helps me to find Hope. Most people are not freely talking about hope and how things will get better - which is depressing to me. When I read this book I find an unfailing source of hope that fills me with great expectations in a God who is nothing but Wonderful to me.

Get to Know God Better • I confess that my relationship with God often is one way. I have requests, petitions, a whole laundry list. I realize He’s no Santa Claus. Almighty God is very relational and through His Word we can get to know Him better: His promises, His love, His ways, His character. This book helps me to discern God's voice and hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd is something I desire to do.

I know that life gets busy. I don’t want my life to get too busy for the One who created me, the One who knew me before I was formed in the womb. I want to rework my life so that I can read my Bible as an established habit. If things are way too crazy for you, look up an App online where you can at least listen to it while you are going about your day. Hearing these words of life is always a good idea.

Nicole@Rare Bird said...

This is a beautiful reminder for me today about the POWER of God's word. Thank you so much for sharing, sister!

LifenotesEncouragement said...

I am happy that so many bloggers are talking about the benefits of reading and applying God's word to their lives.

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