Hip Baby

Monday, May 10, 2010

During our second weekend of family celebrations my son recognized several of my relatives he had seen the weekend before. That was awesome! He met a whole new set of relatives this weekend which further confirmed my suspicion: he is my hip baby. As long as he's in my hip, he's okay. He did go to other people but he really wanted to be sure we were around. That's that security again. I love it!
We took a couple of fun pictures during my sister's rehearsal dinner and I wanted to share them.
We had lots of fun together. This was my second mother's day ever. Last year I had an infant, this year I have a growing young man. Without giving too many details on mother's day, one of the best gifts I received was his smile when he woke up in the morning. Just that happiness to see me and to know it was going to be a great day. While my child can't verbally express his feelings yet, he just acts on them. I take that as a huge blessing. 
This year I had my own mother a little closer for Mother's day. I gave her a gift which she loved and we spent a lot of time together. She's a beautiful woman who gave me so much more than life. I love her and I am blessed to be a mother myself. 
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Amy J said...

I'm visiting from Mom n' Me Monday. What a cute little guy you have! Seeing my kids' smiles each day helps me get through anything!

Julie said...

I love it!! "Hip Baby"! I feel the same as you about my little one. That smile that I get every morning when I walk into his room to get him up is PRICELESS. It's worth 1000 words!! Thanks so much for joining in! Glad you had a lovely mother's day!

Shannon K. said...

Some days the smiles on my little ones' faces are the only things that keep them alive ;)

Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...

Adorable pics! I have a "hip baby" too! It kinda makes getting around a little harder...but I try to enjoy every minute of it... after all, I know someday she won't wanna be on my hip anymore :( So right now I'm soaking it up :) Looks like you are too!

(visiting from peanut gallery!)

Amelia@SavoryandSweet said...

Their smiles are the best gifts our kids can give us, so true!!
What sweet pictures of you and your little one!

Unknown said...

What a cutie he is! what a blessing in deed! Happy Mother's Day!

kym said...

My hip baby is 15! And she still likes to sit next to me and as David says, "soak up my essence!" I love that she still likes to be near me sometimes, because I need that time with her, too! I am glad you had a great Mother's Day.