We planted a garden this year. There's room to plan a lot of veggies behind our home so we ventured out this summer in the midst of new baby and all. I bought the seeds, Zeke got out there and actually did the planting and our neighbor tilled the ground (twice) for us, which was really nice. You can see how amateurs we are compared to our neighbors:
Nos plantamos uma horta essa ano. Tem bastante espaco pra plantar verduras e legumes atras da nossa casa entao esse verao nos decidimos plantar com um bebe novo e tudo. Eu comprei as sementes, Zeke plantou e o nosso vizinho preparou a terra duas vezes pra nos, o que foi muito legal. Da pra ver como somos amadores comparados ao nosso vizinho:

So, I had no clue you actually could see some veggies popping up above the ground. For some reason I expected to have to dig up stuff. That's what happens when you become an expert of the produce section of the grocery store LOL. I asked my neighbor, who was nice enough to inform me some veggies pop up above the ground, and that's when i went back there and found these:
Eu nao tinha a menor ideia que alguns legumes nasciam a cima da terra. Por algum motivo eu pensei que tivesse que desenterrar tudo. Isso que acontece quando vc se torna especialista em supermercado rs. Eu perguntei pra minha vizinha que me informou que a abobrinha nasce em cima, e entao eu fui la na horta e achei isso:
These are the proud 'farmers'. I thought we did pretty good for some city kids! It was good to eat some organic veggies. Our neighbors gave us some cucumbers from their garden, so we had an extra fresh meal: green salad with organic cucumbers, our own organic zucchini, rice, black beans, farofa with red onions and curried tofu. Can you feel the freshness?
Esses sao os 'fazendeiros' orgulhosos. Ate que nao foi mal prum pessoal da cidade grande ne? Foi bom comer legumes organicos. Meus vizinhos me deram pepino da horta deles entao nos tivemos uma refeicao vinda de tras da nossa casa: salada verde com pepinos organicos, nossa abobrinha organica, arroz, feijao, farofa com cebola vermelha e queijo de soja com molho curri.
doesn't it feel good to grow your own veggies? Good for you for giving it a try! Lovely produce!
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