Estou animadissima pro dia dos pais Americano esse mes! Vai ser o primeiro do Zeke, entao, eu e o nosso filho temos uma surpresa grande pra ele. Ja preparei parte, so falta decidir o que fazer no restante do tempo. O dia dos pais e o feriado mais complicado pra mim porque e diferente do Brasil, mas 11 anos depois a gente aprende ne? Eu escreveria mais mas nao queremos que o Zeke descubra a sua surpresa.
I’m really excited about Father’s day this month! It will be Zeke’s first, so our son and I have a big surprise for him. We already have part of ready, now we have to decided what else we are going to do for papai. Father’s day is the most challenging holiday for me because is a different day than in Brasil but after 11 years we get it. I’d put my thoughts on what else to do here but we don’t want Zeke to find out his awesome surprising day.
Semana que vem se Deus quiser eu volto pro medico pra minha consulta de 6 weeks pos cesaria. E durante essa consulta que eles te dizem: ‘Voce esta bem, pode voltar a sua vida normal! Faca quanto exercisio vc quiser, etc, etc.’ Ouvi muitas coisas sobre como me comportar depois de uma cesaria. Eu tive uma aula com uma moca que voltou a caminhar na academia uma semana depois da operacao dela. Ela pegou leve e depois estava fazendo caminhadas mais complexas com o bebe dela. Na mesma classe uma dona teve um parto normal e estava com muita dor um mes depois do nascimento do bebe. Todo mundo e diferene e se recupera de maneiras diferentes. O importante e ouvir o meu corpo e nao me comparar com os outros.
Next week, God willing, I go back to the doctor for my 6-week post op appointment. It’s during this appointment that they tell you: ‘You are ok, go back to your normal life! Exercise to your heart’s content! Etc, etc!’ You hear many different things about how to act after a c-section. I took a class with a lady who went back to walking a week after her surgery. She went to a controlled environment (a gym, no hills included) and after that was walking more challenging routes and hiking with baby as well. I also took a class with ladies who had a v-birth and were still sore 4 weeks after the delivery. People are different and recover in different ways. For me, it is important to listen to my body and not compare myself with anyone.
Agora que estou mais em casa ainda nao voltei pro orkut ou entrei no myspace ou facebook. Por que? As mesmas razoes de antes. Eu considerei entrar no Twitter mais ainda nao achei uma boa razao. Eu pensei em alertar os amigos sobre o nascimento do meu bebe de la, mas como vcs sabem ele ja completou 1 mes. Semana passada eu entrei no daily mile o que e otimo pra fazer um monte de calculo que eu fazia no papel ou colocava no final dos meus posts. Isso e que e tomar vantagem da techologia! Falando nisso, estou gostando muito do pq estou assistindo varios shows and eu sabia que existiam mas ficava distraida com milhares de canais a disposicao no satellite. Assisti um episodio dos shows NOVA, 30 Days, Biograpny e o documentario Buena Vista Social Club.
Believe me when I say that now that I’m at home I still won’t get on facebook and myspace. Why? Same reasons than before. I have considered getting on Twitter but haven’t found a good reason yet. Thought about doing it to alert people of my baby’s birth but as you all know he’s a month. I got on daily mile last week because it makes all kinds of calculations for me and I don’t even have to worry about calculating how many miles I walked, etc. I used to do that at the bottom of my e-mail and now this thing does it all for me. That’s using technology to my advantage. Lastly, I’m digging because I get to watch so many shows that never really caught my attention because of the thousands of channels we had available on satellite. I watched an episode of NOVA, 30 Days, Biography and documentaries such as Buena Vista Social Club.
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