I. Cintia is who God says she is
II. She is NOT what she weighs
III. I'm a morning person all the way
IV. I love to take long walks and to read
V. I love going to the beach and swimming
VI. I love shopping for shoes, purses, jewelry and hats
VII. I love the coffee shop atmosphere
VIII. I love public libraries and the cool independent movies I find there.
IX. I love making friends and talking to strangers
X. I love making people’s birthdays a special occasion
XI. I love reading under my red blanket while sitting by the window
XII. I love my reading chair.
XIII. I love drinking tea. My favorites? Mint, mate, capim cidreira, green, hibiscus, chai.
XIV. I enjoy a good (loud) laugh.
XV. I love David Letterman. I like his wit sense of humor and our mutual admiration for Oprah
XVI. I love being married to the love of my life. I love him and everything related to him.
XVII. I love Zeke’s music. I love everything about it.
XVIII. I love cool boots. You gon’ wear ‘em? So go all the way LOL
XIX. I love gospel music. It uplifts me because it’s God’s word.
XX. I love to dance. God created it and I enjoy it.
XXI. I love Brasil. My motherland is blessed, fun and beautiful.
XXII. I love traveling. I love the adventure of it, the discovery.
XXIII. I love justice.
XXIV. I love the continent of Africa – that would be Motherland number 2
XXV. I’d love to go back to Africa - I don’t care where, just want to go back and help.
XXVI. I love sandals. They have to be different than the norm, otherwise, why wear them?
XXVII. I love fruits.
XXVIII. I love a great discussion about ideas. It may get heated as long as we can still be friends at the end of it.
XXIX. I love photography.
XXX. I love sending cards to people.