Happy marriage
I love the Mayo Clinic e-newsletter. I consider them to be THE authority in health. I mostly read the newsletter for fitness and nutrition articles. Today they had a good one about happy marriages and how good they are for you. You can read it here. The only exception in the list of benefits of a happy marriage is weight. Married folk weight more than single people. So here is another challenge I have on my pocket. I'm really, really happy. We went out to eat so much while honeymooning that I was glad when we cooked dinner last night. I was satisfied because the cost of eating at home is low and I feel like I'm satisfied and got my money's worth. Going out is fun when you're celebrating but we went out so much that I got mad at the wait period between a salad and the main menu. When my husband and I eat together we have the whole meal in front of us, all we gotta do is eat. Last night I ate a healthy dinner and I snack on Special K after dinner. Today I had a good breakfast (same cereal as yesterday), tea for snack and tuna with crackers for lunch (I could have eaten less). The good news is I did very well by drinking at least 32 ounces of water. We're supposed to have leftovers for dinner (good ones). I can't wait to start exercising again... It's sooo cold outside...
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