First Weigh In...

Monday, November 7, 2005

All the hard work paid off! I'm 3 pounds lighter! My short term goal is to lose 6 pounds by November 19. I'm half way there! My goals for this week are: to walk every day of the week after work because the weather has been gorgeous and because I need it; to stick with the diet no matter what (too many parties last week); to go walking instead of eating when I have problems. Here's the food log so far:
1 cup of cereal (Kashi good friends + Oats and more)
3 strawberries
1 banana
Light Soy Milk
1 cup of decaff coffee
1 cup of creamed corn with veggies
1 banana
1 cup of tea

1 orange
1 cup of orange spice tea
1 cup of creamed corn with veggies
half slice of ham
1 small cup of apple cider
Water: 32 ounces; 2.4 mile walk
I posted a lot of signs around my apartment to remind myself my lifestyle is different and the reasons why I want to lose 25 lbs or more. I feel healthier when I eat right. My skin is the first organ to thank me. I don't have as many problems with it. My self-esteem increases also, it gives me something to look forward to. I have to control what I eat for the rest of my life but it's okay. I rather pay the price to be healthier while I'm healthy.