Yes You Can Holiday Challenge

Friday, October 11, 2024

Ready to Conquer the Holidays? Join the Yes You Can Holiday Challenge!

* Listen to my Podcast about the challenge here

Register here
Hey friend,

Are you tired of letting the holiday season derail your health goals? The Yes You Can Holiday Challenge is here to help you stay on track and feel your best during the most wonderful time of the year.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Accountability: Access to regular challenge calls to keep you motivated and on track.
  • Practical Tips: Expert advice on navigating daily life and holiday situations while maintaining your health.
  • Community Support: Connect with a group of like-minded individuals who are committed to their wellness.

Don't wait! The challenge starts November 1. Sign up today and get ready to:

  • Feel energized throughout the holiday season.
  • Maintain your weight or even lose a few pounds.
  • Reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

Join us and discover how easy it is to stay healthy and happy during the holidays.

Let's do this together!

Register here 

General Questions

  • What is the goal of the Holiday Weight Loss Challenge?

    • To provide a supportive community and practical tools to help participants maintain or lose weight during the holiday season.
  • Who can participate in the challenge?

    • Anyone interested in improving their health and well-being during the holidays.
  • When does the challenge start and end?

    • November 1 - December 31

Challenge Structure

  • How often will we meet or connect?

    • You will have access to weekly challenge calls. 
  • What will our meetings or check-ins involve?

    • We will share our progress, discussing challenges, and receive support for the week ahead.
  • Will there be a cost to participate?

    • The registration fee is $25 per person. 

Challenge Support

  • What kind of support will be provided?

    • Group support and access to resources will be provided.

Challenge Rules and Guidelines

  • Are there any dietary restrictions or guidelines?

    • You will follow the advice of your primary care doctor, nutritionist or the health plan of your choice. 
  • Is exercise required?

    • You will follow the advice of your primary care doctor, fitness coach, or trainer.
  • What happens if I miss a meeting or check-in?

    • We understand this is a busy season of the year. We hope you will contact us and give us an update on your progress as soon as you can. 

Challenge Prizes and Incentives

  • Will there be prizes or incentives for participants?

    • Your wellness is the prize. This group is crafted for accountability and inspiration. 
  • How will winners be determined?

    • Everyone is a winner. The goal is to make progress toward the goals you set for yourself.
Register here 
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Prayers that pave the way: Hurricane

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lord, we sometimes struggle to have faith when we know there is a large storm on the horizon. Strengthen our bodies as we prepare for evacuations. Give us peace as we think of many different solutions and outcomes. Help us to be wise beyond weather forecast predictions. We trust you to save and deliver as only you can. We commit to pray and prepare like only we can. In all our ways we acknowledge you as we trust you with all our hearts. God we pray for first responders, safety personnel, and health professionals. We pray for government workers and linemen. We ask for mercy for those who are sheltering in place. Give us your perspective when we look at despair for direction. The same Jesus who has authority over winds and waves is the Jesus we serve. We pray all of these things as you are faithful to fulfill your purposes for our lives. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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Grace and Accountability

Monday, October 7, 2024

This Fall, I am grateful to God for grace and accountability in our family's daily life. Grace because where would be we be without God's grace? Also because we need to give ourselves grace to adapt to our new Fall schedule. 

Over the years I learned through observation and action. I observed what too much activity does to me. I experience burnout. I'm no good to anyone who needs me. The following actions turned out to be temperate. I don't stuff our family's schedule with activities and we also don't leave it nearly empty. We ask simple questions. Where are we? Where do we want to go? 

Goal setting helps us to stay accountable and focused. The support and love of family help us to stay rooted and grounded in love. 

Everyone in the family adds their gifts and talents to the mix. Beauty always comes from our efforts. We become stronger as a whole and as individuals. 

The past few weeks allowed me to do some God-led introspection. I want to be obedient and become who God called me to become. I want our kids to experience the same joy of obeying God's word and ways. Last week's focus was excellence. After our initial conversation, everywhere we turned, the word "excellence" appeared. It was even in a saxophone music book's song title! I want to embrace the call for excellence in every area of my life. 

One of the God-led introspection calls was not to limit God's power. Because I am human, this happens on a mental level. I am persuaded not to limit what God can do with my lack of faith. Instead, I want to get out of the way and let God be God. How do I do that? First, I humble myself under the mighty hand of God (1 Peter 5:6). Then, I cast my cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:7). 

This is where I am this Fall: at the feet of Jesus humbling myself, reading His word, and looking for grace while remaining accountable. 

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Sunday Seven

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday Seven  

  1. We are in a digital world where everyone is trying to sell us something. Are we blindly buying what others are selling? Do we stop and think, "Is this something I truly need?" This question applies to material things and things we can't touch.
  2. People are not always telling the truth in the digital world. The perceived value of things is what you see. People can rent a lifestyle. They display that fake lifestyle to convince you to buy a certain product. The trust you give is not earned through honesty but fakery. Discernment is a good friend.
  3. No one shows the true reality of life. When cameras and filters go off, real life begins. I know it seems like transparency. The difference between real life and digital life is the ability to conjure a reaction from the viewer. Sometimes, the reaction is the movement of fingers that keep scrolling for hours. Inaction is the reaction.
  4. We live in a world where people in many areas of life agree that exposure to digital content is detrimental to children and teens. Dangerous is a better way to describe the fruit of little eyes and brains growing up digital. Adults are suffering too.
  5. Most digital platforms are what I call gray places. They are not right or wrong. They are not black or white. They are just gray. The interesting fact about the platforms is our ability to measure how long we spend there and the results of that investment of our priceless time.
  6. While I agree with digital minimalism, I do not agree with digital exodus. The field is wide open for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My conviction is that I can't be blinded by the lure of the world. I need to reflect my Savior's attitude and demeanor everywhere. He was all about the Father's business.
  7. It is okay to take a stand for virtue and honor in the digital world. It is okay to unlike and unfollow without an accompanying rant. It is okay to practice Christian integrity in all our interactions and viewing habits. It is good to be in the world but not in the world. 
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Refuse to be defeated

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hey friends! I hope you are well. I wanted to give you a life update with some fun pictures. 

I didn't think this Fall schedule would be this full but it certainly is. I am grateful to God for health, strength and purpose daily. Service to God means caring for the needs of my family. Even when kids grow up, I know they still need us to be available and we want to do just that. I'm still praying daily for wisdom and relying on God and my husband. Life as a family is a blessing and I am beyond grateful.   

I ran a 5K last weekend. It was for brain cancer research. This race took place in the Atlantic Station area of Atlanta. It was my second part participating. 
My goal was to finish the race, which I did. I was 5 seconds slower than last year. Way to be consistent. Ha ha!
My husband and I don't often workout together but when we do, it is highly enjoyable. We always took turns when the kids were little. When we moved to Georgia, he joined my beloved CrossFit gym but he got busy with work and decided to do something different. Before he joined the gym, several people were amazed that we didn't workout together. Every now and then I still get that question. I just say no and the conversation moves on from there. I workout with a lot of people whose spouses either do not workout or do something different. I want to say that most of the time, that is the norm. I think that as long as we are for each other, it doesn't matter what time we workout. 

I want to remind you that there are 12 weeks left in this great year. Let's work on reaching our goals! Refuse to be defeated!
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