Focused Action 2025

Thursday, December 26, 2024

 • What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it this year?  

The "what ifs" as well as mindless browsing. I erased apps and limited my time on social. I reminded myself of the good things God is doing in the present. 

• For whose salvation will you pray most fervently this year? 

My brother Ulisses, several co-workers and friends. 

• What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year?

Schedule more prayer time. 

• What single thing that you plan to do this year will matter most in 10 years? In eternity? 

Spend time serving my family. 

• What area of your life most needs simplifying, and what's one way you could simplify in that area?

I'd say the financial area can use some simplifying. I can automate some things. 

• What habit would you most like to establish this year? 

Writing 45 minutes a day consistently. 

• Who do you most want to encourage this year? 

My husband and children. 

 What's one new way you could be a blessing to your pastor (or to another who ministers to you) this year?

I can spend more time paying attention to anything that will help my husband's ministry, no matter how small. 

• What's one thing you could do this year to enrich the spiritual legacy you will leave to your children and grandchildren? 

I believe that more is caught than taught. While I don't plan to stop teaching, I want to walk in obedience to the Lord. I hope to reflect the joy of walking with Jesus in my daily life. 

• What book, in addition to the Bible, do you most want to read this year? 

I'm focused on writing more than reading. I usually just browse the library and make choices. 

• What one thing do you most regret about last year, and what will you do about it this year? 

I could have listened more and worried less in professional settings. 

• What's the most important trip you want to take this year? 

God knows. 

• What skill do you most want to learn or improve this year? 

I want to improve as a public speaker. 

• What one biblical doctrine do you most want to understand better this year, and what will you do about it? 

I want to simply grow in my Biblical knowledge and apply what I learn to my life. 

• If those who know you best gave you one piece of advice, what would they say? Would they be right? What will you do about it? 

God has everything under control. Yes. I would pour out my trust and faith in God at all times, no matter what. 

• What's the most important new item you want to buy this year? 

Anything that would help our family grow in what God calls them to do. 

• In what area of your life do you most need change, and what will you do about it this year?

I want to grow in grace and obedience to what God is calling me to do this season of life. 

Previously in this Series:

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2024 in Review

 1. What did you do in 2024 that you’d never done before?

I participated in my first CrossFit competition. Helped our son recover from spinal fusion surgery.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I eagerly tried. Yes, I will write 2025 goals.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

Yes, my cousin.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

Yes, my cousin Harley.

5. What countries did you visit?

The US. 

6. What would you like to have in 2025 that you lacked in 2024?

Acceptance that some people will not change, no matter how much I wish they did.

7. What dates from 2024 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

The Lord miraculously worked in my dad's life and he was found safe. It was a miracle and I'm deeply grateful. My son's back surgery day. The day my cousin Harley died. 

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I'd say, finishing a book.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Not accepting a few facts of life. 

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? 

Thank God, I am okay this year. 

11. What was the best thing you bought?

New experiences with family. 

12. Where did most of your money go?

Investing in our family. 

13. What did you get really excited about?


14. What song will always remind you of 2024?

Sing His Praise Again - Bethel

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:

• happier or sadder? I'd say I am more sage.

• thinner or fatter? Stronger for sure. 

• richer or poorer? Richer in more than one way.

16. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Slowed down. 

17. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Dreaded things I can't change and situations that wouldn't bend.

18. How did you spend Christmas?

Cooking for my family. We had a devotional, opened presents with grateful hearts, ate and rested. It was a happy day. 

19. What was your favorite TV program?

Anything old.

20. What were your favorite books of the year?

"The Twelve Week Year: by Moran and Lennington.

"Letting go of Worry and Anxiety" by Pam Vredevelt.

21. What was your favorite music from this year?

Anything Zeke created. 

22. What were your favorite films of the year?

"The Dollmaker"

"Heaven is Foreal"

23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I spent time with my family. I turned 44. I want to say one of the kids got a stomach ache from the restaurant food and we made a quick exit which was fine with me. 

24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Surrender to God's will. 

25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2024?

I tried to stay creative.

26. What kept you sane?


27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2024.

Planting good seeds matter. 

Previously in this Series:
• 2023
• 2022
• 2021
• 2020
• 2019
• 2018
• 2017
• 2016
• 2015
• 2014 

• 2013
• 2012
• 2011
• 2010
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What I learned this Fall 2024

Saturday, December 14, 2024

I wasn't ready for how busy the Fall was going to be. The kids' new school responsibilities truly gave me a taste of how most people live. Until now, we have tried not to overfill our plate. I am learning that sometimes, a plate full happens because of kids' school, extracurriculars, church, friendships, community, etc. 

Practicing what I preach, I did what I could with what I had. I did not overextend myself with volunteering commitments because I did not have room to be stretched thin. I had to tell myself that it was okay not to be everything for everyone. What I did do, I did with all my heart. 

All the kids were in the band. I learned a little bit more about that culture. I attended a lot of football games and managed not to buy anything from the concessions. One time I took a protein shake with me. The kids had fun and did a marvelous job. It was great to support them and to continue to grow as a family. 

I fought and fought not to leave family devotionals behind because we were "busy." I prayed and asked God to ask for wisdom because I did not want to abandon this practice. We had devotionals whenever we could. Sometimes it was in the morning while the kids had breakfast, other times, it was while they were finishing dinner. The goal was to pause, read the Bible, and hear what God had to say to us. 

God blessed us with a niece this Fall. It was an honor to be there the day she was born and to pray for her. God welcomed my cousin Harley home this Fall. He was one of the best people we knew. He lived for God all the days of his life. It is right that He is with Him now. We feel his absence but with hope in our hearts. 

This Fall I could see my old approach to friendships changing. In the past, I would engage and engage with people who would not do the same thing for me. I noticed that I would be nice and polite, but I quickly realized that when people are not trying to go beyond niceness, I simply give them the respect they deserve instead of trying to earn their friendship for some reason. 

Our oldest son had spinal surgery this Fall. We saw God's provision, healing, and comfort. We experienced his peace. We experience the kindness of His people coming and sitting with us, bringing us comfort and help in our time of need. I can't be grateful enough.

There were days I tried to understand why people were the way they were. God has been teaching me the way of gratitude for a few years. I learned that letting go of what I can't understand allows me to grow in gratitude. In the past, I would spend a lot of time trying to work through such frustrations. Letting go is the quickest way to find relief. Forgiving and focusing on God's blessings is freeing. It feels like my brain had room to think of more important things.

Professionally, this was the season to focus on what I could do. Excellence was my aim.

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What did you get curious about? • How the other half lives. How do they vacation? How do they enjoy life? 
What did you get over? • Regrets about past friendships that went sour. 

What did you good at? • Finding a way to accomplish things that frustrate me.

What did you embrace? • Change. 

What did you rediscover? • The radio. I love the radio so much. 

What did you surrender to? • God's sovereign will for my life. 

What did you sacrifice? •  Pride.

What did you sideline? • My ambitious weight loss goals.

What did you survive? • Survive is such a serious word but I'd say supporting my loved ones in their most challenging moments while supporting everyone else in the family.

What did you celebrate? • New life and the abundance of life God is giving us. 

Contemplate. Take time to ponder:

What did this year teach you about your capacity for courage? • When you don't think you have it you find more courage out there.

What risks did you take? How did they work out? • I risked my plan for security in exchange for enjoying the life God is giving us. I'd say they worked out. 

What did this year teach you about relationships? Love? Your capacity for forgiveness? • The most important relationships are my absolute priority. Love is sacrificial. When God commands me to forgive, He gives me a blessing when I obey. 

What particular synchronicities did you notice? • When God placed someone in my mind, I'd immediately pray for the person. Late on when I reached out, the person always told me there was something going on at that moment and they needed prayer. 

Where did you bring light to the darkness for someone? • I found myself on the other side of hugs and I always hope to be God's embrace on earth for my family and friends. 

When were you generous? How did that serve you? • I tried to practice purposeful generosity whether by myself or by organizing a group of friends to help a friend in need. God is generous, I want to be like Him. 

Did you neglect yourself in any way? Was there a time when you did not allow yourself something you needed? If a similar situation arises this year, what will you tell yourself? • Of course I neglected myself. I neglected myself rest, quick forgiveness and even the space to get out of a fun and dream again. I want to tell myself, "treat yourself" next time those situations come around. Treating as in taking some time to care for myself with an early bed time, bath, manicure, or whatever else I need. 

Of all the places where you spent time, which environment made you the most calm? Where did you have your best ideas? • I feel I'm calmest when all my people are together at the end of the day. I also find "calm" after a good CrossFit class or run. My best ideas came from refusing to "coast" in my thought life and schedule creativity (writing to be exact). 

What changes did you notice in your loved ones? • My kids are getting taller, especially my oldest, who had spinal surgery. My nieces and nephews are getting taller and they all look like little adults. My babies all grew up so quickly! My husband is a rock: peaceful, joyful and caring as always. My parents are aging yet with God's grace on their side. They do not forget about me. My dad (who has Alzheimer's) told me so.

What went on in the world that really affected you? What did that teach you in your role in wider society? •  Election season was tense in the U.S. and working in county government it changed the way I see this process. I found appreciation for the people who passionately work for free and fair elections year-round. I taught me that there are real people in real life I can show gratitude for all the things they do that we don't always see and these things benefit all of us here in the County. 

What did this year teach you about the preciousness of life? • God, the creator of life gives (we have a new baby second cousin who really is a niece) and He takes away (our cousin Harley went to be with Jesus two months ago). 


What did you create or made happen this year? •  I finished my first self-published book. 

What brought you the most satisfaction? • Seeing our children thrive. 

What was money well spent and when did you waste money? • Finding a great home helper. Wasted money is money that I did not steward correctly. 

What was the best use of your time and energy? Where did you waste time and energy? • Being the wife, mother, and professional God created me to be. I wasted time and energy with worry and frustration. 

What was a real success for you and why? What did you learn from that? • I finished a video project at work. I learned the process of getting things done in county government. I learned how much first-responders sacrifice for the well-being of a community. 

What didn't work out as you hoped? Why? What did you learn from that? • For years, I want to be a lifetime member of WW. I guess this was just not the year yet. I learned new techniques that improve my consistency. 

What or who was a challenge? Why? What did you learn from that? • I believe there were several things I couldn't change that challenged me. Life is just like that. I learned to rely on God and to remain grateful through it all. 

What was the single most important thing you did for your physical health? • Took more responsibility for my advancement in CrossFit. 

What was the single most important thing you did for your mental health? • Exercised consistently. 

If you could sum up the year in a single word, what would it be? • Quick

Letting go:

Write down things you want to let go • Dread, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of being less than who God created me to be. 

Moving forward:

When did you allow yourself to be vulnerable over the past 12 months? What did you learn in the process? •  I was honest with people and asked for help when I needed the most. 

What do you want to carry with you in the new year? • Resilience and focus on what matters, no matter how it is reciprocated. 

What truths are you ready to start believing? • That God created me the way He did for His glory. I'm done apologizing for who I am. 

What are you ready to receive? • God's best. 

Time to make a plan.  

* from "Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year" by Beth Kempton.  

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Friday, December 13, 2024


Ordinary people can find themselves in the middle of God's plan. I hope that today, you are inspired to tell others about the story of Jesus, the Savior of the World. Listen to "Telling." Also available on Apple Podcasts

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Not every story goes viral on the internet. Joseph definitely did not. What I appreciate about his story is the obedience he displayed. Listen to "Obeying." Also available on Apple Podcasts

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How did Mary make room for Jesus? How can we do the same thing this Christmas season? Listen to "Serving."Also available on Apple Podcasts.

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 It's Christmas season, and I am asking myself: how can I make room for Jesus? I want to encourage you to spend this season healthier, happier, more peaceful. Listen to "Inquiring" also available on Apple Podcasts

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Sunday Seven

Sunday, December 1, 2024

1. Jesus has a way of entering the lives of serving servants. Mary was a young Jewish woman who was serving God as a daughter and as an engaged young woman. Mary made room for Jesus internally and externally. We can do the same thing this season of Christmas. Listen to my podcast for more on the subject:

2. "What is God requiring of me this holiday season?" Pause and calmly think of the answer. When we know what God wants us to do, our lives gain not only margin but meaning.
3. When problems become ordinary, so can the peace of God. I'm holding on to Isaiah 26:3-4. It says that God keeps those whose minds are fixed on Him in perfect peace. Perfect peace in the presence of problems is a game changer. It means I can move about life with the assurance that God will see me through every trial.
4. While the holidays can be a time of conflict, I'm learning that God in His grace gave us the gift of family. I am grateful for those who refuse to be defeated and keep showing up. They forgive, no matter the cost. They learn the characteristics of agape love and they practice them. They do not wait for the other to change, they become the change. We need the wisdom and covering of our families. I am grateful to God for His design and purpose for families.
5. I remember having a big problem in graduate school. The only solution, I thought, was to humble myself before God. So I did. James 4:10 was my anchor verse at that time. I would pray, humble myself then get up and live the life God called me to live. Humility is something that does not go viral but it is Godly. Everyone has a version of humility in mind but lately, I've been searching the Bible to see what God requires.
6. God specializes in things that seem impossible. This I believe. The just shall live by faith. This I believe. The more I read God's book, the more I believe and trust in Him. I invite you to do the same. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
7. This week we celebrated both Thanksgiving and my husband's birthday. It was such a blessing to stop and thank God for all His blessings, my husband included. Birthdays are a joy. Celebrating the one we love immensely was a blessing beyond measure!
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Day 21: 21 Days of No Complaints

Thursday, November 21, 2024


Listen to Day 21

Here is what I am proposing: 

21 Days of No Complaints Challenge:

1. Pray and ask God for forgiveness for being a complainer;

2. Ask Him to teach you how to live a life of Thanksgiving;

3. Read His book. Start with Psalm 142;

4. When you do have a complaint, ask yourself the following:

• What is the goal of my complaint? Is it to damage someone's reputation or is it to find a peaceful resolution?

• What is the estate of my heart as I complain? Do I need to forgive? Do I need counseling? Do I need to pray before talking to others about my issues?

• Will my complaint be fruitful? Do I need to learn more about the natural processes of life? Do I need to create a thankful heart instead of a complaining heart?

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