Sunday Seven

God always, always sends one of His children to check on me during tough days, weeks. It is like they hear God’s whisper and hurry to contact me on His behalf. Those “I’m just checking on you” phone calls and texts from all over the world meant a lot this past week.

Death feels final but it isn’t. Jesus’ victory on the cross means death is forever defeated. It means we will live with Him forever. While we grieve loved ones this side of Heaven, we know
they are with God. If we live God’s way, the same thing will happen to us who believe.

My perspective about my life and current circumstances really shifted Tuesday night. I kept thinking, I’m still here. I can and will serve God with all I have. Service meant little and big things. Service to God’s children is an honor and privilege. Gratitude filled my heart.

There are so many beautiful things that happened this week in the midst of tears and pain. I’m grateful for eyes to see God moving all around me.

Family is foundational. You can’t untie what God tied together. What you can do is choose to forgive little and big offenses. Do it while you have time. Offer total forgiveness, no matter how your ego feels.

Leaders need encouragement. I took the time to encourage a remarkable leader in my life this week. I’m determined to be a voice of encouragement because they need it.

I’m simplifying my end of the year routine. I’m focusing on the Christ of Christmas and on gratitude for the many blessings we received. I encourage you to do the same. We all tried to fill out plate beyond capacity. It doesn’t work. Try simple. Try light. Try Christ.
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