Sunday Seven

Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Happy Father's Day! I want to share seven things I experience as my father's daughter. 

1. Fathers encourage. One of my earliest memories of my dad is tied to courage. I was weak with stage fright. My dad got out of his busy Sunday schedule to encourage me. Singing and eventually speaking were part of God's plan for my life. I'm grateful for the courage my father infused (and still infuses) in me. 

2. Fathers speak forth blessings. My dad often spoke of what God was going to do in and through my life. He wasn't formal about speaking blessings. I appreciate the fact that this was part of the way he spoke to each one of us. I now find myself telling my children similar words of blessings future and present. 

3. Fathers aren't perfect. I'm not sure they were designed to be. In a world where dishonor is the rule of the day, I am reminded that God is the only perfection that exists. I learned to look at imperfections with compassion. I learned to freely forgive and pray. I am learning to trust God as I obey His word. 

4. Fathers are to be honored. I say this because that's what I read in the Bible. I say this because I believe in the blessings of honor. I learned to ask God, "How can I honor?" given a difficult situation. God always answers with wisdom. What I don't want to do is go against God's instructions. Another good question is, "What does Godly honor look like this season of life?" 

5. Fathers teach us to dream. One of the greatest gifts I have received from my father is the ability to dream big. More was caught than taught. I'm grateful because, in my toughest days, I go back to those lessons in perseverance through the Godly gift of dreaming. 

6. Fathers speak the truth in love. Looking back, I know hearing the truth is not always easy yet necessary. Fathers have the perspective we lack, the wisdom we are growing into, and the faith we will grow to maturity.

7. Fathers are givers of legacy. Fathers were given a legacy as they pass it on to us. Fathers transform the bad and build the good. We are not responsible for the stewardship of our fathers but we have authority over the legacy given to us. Wisdom is born when we stop pointing fingers, and we start building something beautiful. Were you given ashes? Beauty can arise. Did you receive the spirit of heaviness as a legacy? Joy can arise. God is the only one who can give us the power to be good stewards of whatever legacy our fathers gave us. 

Today, I choose to celebrate God's brilliance in creating fatherhood. I'm grateful He can restore brokenness. I am humbled by the gift of being fathered exceedingly well by someone who did not have the same privilege. I'm thankful for my husband Zeke, an exceedingly great father to our children. Happy father's day.