Sunday Seven
When I am tired or frustrated, I want to show the worst version of me. Asking myself the question, “What is the best version of me today?” Allows me to consider my values.
I can support someone who does not want to listen to me by listening to them. I can listen for things unsaid. I can offer mercy and understanding. Not only that, but I can pray for help when I want to say something that will not be heard. I can do all of this with peace.
Some conversations are not meant for email. It takes courage to call and apologize for a mistake. It takes character to make things right for the other. I believe that is what God expects of me.
Service is not about me and my preferences. True service is about making other people win.
Excellence requires consistency. It requires trying again. It requires flexibility. I also believe that it requires dreaming bigger dreams.
Sometimes people are not against us, they are against themselves. If they see us as a reminder of who they aren’t, insecurity shows up strong. I’m not responsible for someone else’s insecurity. I am neutral to it. God’s calling is my confirmation to be where I am as I stand in my confidence.
I learned that if I can’t find company to do something challenging in life, I can pay for it. Affinity groups are the key to finding acquaintances. Do you want to run an ultra marathon? Pay for a group membership. Do you want to grow in a certain area? Pay for a mastermind group. Lasting friendships may or may not result. One thing is certain: you will find the accountability you need.
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