Today I want to make the case for why reading the Bible in One year is not hard. First, let us define hard. Hopelessness is hard. The side effects of hopelessness are also hard. Wanting to read the Bible and not having the freedom to do it is hard. A friend from another country told me she would hide pages of the Bible in her science book so her parents wouldn't know she became a Christian. That's hard. Opening the words of life in a free country is as hard as we choose to make it. I want to propose that reading the Bible in One Year is part of a surrendered life to a God who wouldn't ask us to do something He didn't do Himself.
Bible reading and the surrendered life. Jesus was surrendered to the will of His Father. We know this by Jesus' words and actions. Reading the Bible was not an option but part of Jesus' surrendered life. He was often found in the synagogue reading and teaching. He went around teaching, doing good, and telling others about God. Likewise, we can make Bible reading part of our lives outside of Sunday. From that place of surrender, we too can go on doing good and telling others about God.
"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." Joshua 1:8
I am grateful for the Biblical evidence of our daily need for the word of God. I appreciate this verse of Scripture because it tells me of the benefits of making sure I read the Bible regularly. To put it simply, things will go well. Things are not going to be perfect as in human terms but things go well for those who obey God's commands.
I empathize with those who find it challenging to fit daily Bible reading into their schedule. I've written extensively about every excuse in the book along with solutions for each one. Transparency in the process is refreshing. I know I get late in my reading. Sometimes, chronically late. I learned to pick from where I left off. God's blessing meets me right there in my humanity.
Opening the words of life in a free country is as hard as we choose to make it. May we have the courage to admit we are blessed. May we have the willingness to surrender our lives to God and His word. May we learn what it means to say:
"Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day." Psalm 119:97
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