Hey Cintia, what does your devotional time look like? Do you use any books? A dear friend asked me these questions and I want to share my answer with you.
This all started because of a post on Facebook. I share the impact that daily Bible reading had in my life in the past 9 years. I recommended Bible reading to my friends. The conversations I've had online and in real life have been so life-giving!
The reading and study of the Bible has truly matured me and it continues to do so.
I saw my folks read the Bible as a child and while I was always in the word, it wasn't until I joined Merry Ministries in 2013 that I decided to read the entire Bible. I started reading the Bible in One Year and I haven't stopped this practice.
Bible in One Year
The book I use follows the following order: Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. There are popular Chronological readings of the Bible in One Year.
I've done both. I found value and heard God's voice through both. The Bible in One Year I am currently using gives me more of a variety of readings while the Chronological ones keep you in the Old Testament for quite some time. I'd say try both and keep going.
When we moved to East Texas, I could no longer attend Merry Ministries but I still use the website as a resource. Before I start on a book of the Bible or if I have any questions, I visit this page:
Mary Willis has the whole Bible covered. You can also download free resources on that page.
I listen to the teachings when I'm doing chores. Merry Ministries uses inductive Bible study and I learn a lot from it. When I started with them, she was in Psalms. I can't tell you how "afraid" I was to read the prophets until I learned about it at Merry Ministries. Now, I can read those books knowing what is going on, which is a great blessing.
Four years ago, I found myself in the middle of COVID. I craved more of God. I was working at a church at the time so I had that covered. I decided to start praying on my knees every day as the first thing I do each morning. Sure, I was praying before but it was sporadic. No matter where I was, I learned to get on my knees and thank Almighty God for life. I then beg for wisdom for all I am facing and all I will face. I pray for my immediate family and for whoever else the Spirit prompts me to pray for. Then it's coffee and CrossFit (or running) time.
My personal devotional time consists of the following:
Prayer (on my knees)
Bible in One Year (this takes between 10-15 minutes) - I don't always journal what I learn. Lately, I've only been journaling the dreams I get so I don't forget them.
*When I'm teaching a Bible study, I spend some time preparing for that.
Reading the Bible and studying the Bible are two different disciplines. When I'm teaching, I spend way more time studying. I remember spending several hours preparing to teach Life in His Name - the Gospel of John. My goal for this year is to be more consistent in my study time. I have less time to study (I work full-time and I have a media consulting business) but I do want to grow so I want to study. I'm also teaching the Bible to my kids.
I used to read devotionals but now, we may read one during Christmas time and that's about it.
If you are interested in studying the Bible, I recommend the following:
=> my Bible study teacher from Merry Ministries knows this lady. I've given this book as a gift more times than I can count.
=> Dr. Hendricks is with the Lord but his teachings are timeless. I have this book at home and I visit it often. I also teach my children to "observe" things when reading the Bible. I can't tell you how happy we get when we apply what we learned. I truly revives our spiritual disciplines!
When I have down time (well, mostly when I'm cooking or folding clothes), I listen to Dr. Hendricks on YouTube.
If like me, you are so busy that you can't commit to all of these resources, start by giving God one of these things. Without a doubt, Bible reading is where everyone should start and stay.
If you do not have 10 minutes a day, try to read for 5 minutes and increase slowly.
Lastly, I get late with my reading every year. I learned to catch up and I often finish before the year is over.
God wants a deeper connection with you. I invite you to walk towards Him. We do this by reading and studying His book.
*Do you have any questions you want me to answer? Leave a comment and I will do my best to answer.
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