8 things you may not have considered when reading the Bible in One Year

Sunday, January 1, 2023

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1 • Your company - your friends may be influencing you more than you realize. It is easier to do the same things our friends are doing. While it is unrealistic to expect that all our friends will mimic our reading goals, we can always find a group of people who are reading the Bible in One Year. They will encourage you and they will provide empathy and a place to have conversations about what you are reading. 

2 • Your time - I thought I didn't have time to read the Bible. It was such a big book. I was a busy wife and mother of 3 kids who were 5, 4, and 2 at the time. Once I saw my mentor complete her reading in less than 15 minutes, I was convinced. Year after year, I set aside time to read the Bible. It takes between 10-15 minutes per day. We spend way more time scrolling on the internet than that. 

3 • Self-awareness - I was sitting outside talking to a friend while our kids played. She tried to read the Bible but it wasn't working for her. She couldn't focus. I asked her if she thought about listening to it. That option worked better for her and she was able to finish that year. Reading the Bible is not about fitting into a mold. Most of my days were not quiet. There was noise around me unless I read as soon as I woke up. I prefer to have a physical book instead of a digital version. I'm aware that the digital version has saved me time and time again when I'm stuck somewhere with time to kill. The Bible is a great companion. You will create awareness of what works for you in this season of life. 

4 • Backup plan - I honestly thought I'd start and finish the Bible with no obstacles. Well, kids get sick. I get busy. We go on vacation. Church activities consume our schedule from time to time. I never stop reading the Bible but somehow, I get derailed. I learned to have a backup plan for times like this. I may read double. I may spend extra time on weekends reading. The goal is to stay the course and finish reading the Bible in one year. 

5 • Delight - Reading the Bible is not drudgery, it is delightful. I find it to be an easy way to delight myself in the Lord. When I get lost in His word, I find Him to be wonderful. I can't tell you how many times I tell myself: "wow, this is all here. I'm not sure why I ever wondered" or "God is better than the human imagination can conceive." Get ready to delight. 

6 • God's voice - The Bible is the word of God and the God of the word speaks through it. I'm happy to say that these words come alive in the most surprising ways. I don't need to put effort into making this kind of thing happen because it is spiritual. Jesus said, "The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63 (NKJV). The prophet Micah asked, "Is the Spirit of the Lord restricted? Do my words do good to him who walks uprightly?" Micah 2:7 (NKJV). I encourage you not to restrict God's voice to the few moments you sit with His book. He's not restricted to that small amount of time and space. He is Lord of all. Let's give Him room. 

7 • Reading, not studying - The action will turn into the habit of reading the Bible, not studying it. Reading is a different method than studying. One is not inferior to the other. Both are important in our lives. My goal is for you not to downplay the reading or feel guilty for not studying at that moment. There's room for both in the life of a maturing, thriving Christian. Again, if time is the problem, cut down on mindless browsing. That's what I'm doing.

8 • There's more - Reading the Bible is not an exact science. There is so much more to learn and experience. I invite you to be open as God leads you in this experience. 

Reading the Bible should be a free activity. I understand there are courses, podcasts, books and a whole industry that benefits from dollars. I also understand not everyone can afford it. If you want free resources, here are some reliable sources:


• Your Sunday School Teacher

• Your Pastor

WordView Ministries

Merry Ministries 

Bible Gateway

Blueletter Bible 


Bible in One Year  

Bible Project