1 • It takes years for seeds to sprout. There's no such thing as a quick harvest. Parenting is a slow process. I need God's wisdom, persistence, resilience, and a great sense of humor. Also, I need the tea kettle ready to go along with a few recipes for quick bread.
2 • God is faithful to His children. Even in difficult seasons, He shows Himself faithful day after day. I'm encouraged to trust Him and befriend faithfulness this season.
3 • God often touches one of His children to let you know everything is going to be okay when you feel forgotten and invisible. I call these angels "friends."
4 • This summer went by speedily. I'd say, we all enjoyed it so much. God allowed us to spend a lot of quality time together. It was peaceful, fruitful, and filled with great discoveries.
5 • It is not time to give up on big goals. I know January was a long time ago but today is a great day to keep going. I had a big reading goal that got derailed with my move to Georgia. I decided to start back today. Sometimes, that's the toughest part: starting back again. If I can do it, so can you.
6 • God really pays attention to every detail in your life. He hears every word you pray. He answers because He cares. He's better than we allow ourselves to fathom. It is good to raise our expectations to His level of goodness. The only way to do that is to do things His way, starting by reading and studying His word.
7 • The kids and I are pretty much parked in the Shema. Shema means "hear" in Hebrew. In the Jewish faith, it is made up of these Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 11:13–21; Numbers 15:37–41. We challenged one another to recite Deuteronomy 6:4-5 each morning and night. This all started as a challenge to include the Bible in our everyday lives. Each kid talked about how they'd do it and how they'd remember to do it. We are reciting part of the Shema in the morning and at night as a group. It has been so good to start the day with the correct confession of who God is by Himself and for us. Then we confess what we hope to that day and with our lives: love the Lord our God to the uttermost. I hope the kids experience God through the Bible as much as they can for the rest of their lives. For now, we are enjoying each moment we delight in God's word together as a family.
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