A song for a difficult season

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Songs get us through difficult seasons. Songs do not deliver us from difficulties yet they make them bearable. 

Songs of praise bring good things to our memory. God is good. When we hear songs about Him, our hope rises. The repetition really helps me remember God's character and attributes. 

I need these reminders when things go wrong.

Music brings refreshment to my soul. I wonder if you thought about listening to songs of faith when you go through a difficult season.

In good times and bad, the songs of the Lord should be both on our lips and ears. 

Listening to songs in difficult times helps me express what I wish I could. Have you bee in a situation where your heart is so tight, you can hardly breathe much less sing? That's when turning on the music helps. 

I connect with different songs during different seasons of life. This is the latest song I've put on repeat. I hope you enjoy it.