What I learned this Spring 2022

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

We moved to Georgia at the beginning of Spring. The prevalent feeling was gratitude to God for the opportunity to serve Him. 

Peace was the prevailing feeling of our move to Georgia. God truly guided us with His peace. It was great to feel something I so badly needed. The love we felt from our new church was disarming. They welcomed us with love, generosity and transparency. It is a blessing to be part of the family of God. 

Zeke and I got married and raised our family away from the closeness of family. We lived far away and connecting on a regular basis for holidays was difficult. Not any more. We move closer to family than before. Our closest relative lives in the next town over. The joy of living closer to our family is one of the many reasons we are thankful.

Our family celebrating Father's Day 2022

We spent a lot of time with family this Spring. It is a blessing to see my nieces and nephews grow. I found myself sharing stories only those of us who came from Brazil would know. I rejoiced when I answered questions about my grandmothers, parents and life in Brazil. Our family roots are strong and we are all better because of those who sacrificed so much to give us the life we enjoy today. 

Moving brings about so many changes. I looked for and found a good CrossFit box. I promised I'd look around, which I did. My CrossFit of choice has allowed me to grow in strength. I'm amazed at how my world expanded because of the way I am being coached. I'm deeply grateful. 

Zeke and I started working out together. I don't think we've ever done that before. We used to run together but we were never in the same pace group. CrossFit as a couple has been quite fun. We encourage one another in so many ways. One day, I was going on and on about a combination of techniques. It dawned on me that we couldn't really have this depth of conversation before. I always told him about CrossFit but now He knows exactly what I am talking about. My heart was filled with gratitude.

Our kids are so resilient and flexible. They thrived during this move. Being in a new school can be a challenge if it wasn't for the provision of God. Where He calls, He provides. The end of the year activities were joyful. I am grateful to God for allowing the kids to arrive and quickly make friends. 

Spring was a time for healing. I prayed and asked God to heal me from internal wounds. I am grateful to serve a God who is willing to heal broken hearts. 

I believe that when we are healed internally, we are better able to enjoy the life God gives us. This is exactly where I am. I am willing to enjoy the life God has given me without being affected by soul hurts. Forgiveness is my action of choice for it brings freedom. Freedom allows me to taste and see that the Lord is good. 

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