Summer Camp

Monday, June 6, 2022

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I started Camp Listenbee when the kids were little. My thought at the time was: I'm running a camp, so I might as well make it official!  

The name makes it special. It also allows us to change our mindset about a season that could be mind-boggling. Summer is for growth, adventure, and togetherness. It is also for endless fun in the water. I wonder what summer means to you.

The kids are getting older and summers as they are will be a memory. For now, I am focusing on all the good we experience. 

Birthdays - we have at least two family summer birthdays. We also have extended family birthdays. We love celebrating our loved ones. It feels more than an individual's day. It is all our day to be grateful to God for abundance of life.

Swim - we love to swim. We love the pool and we love the ocean. We swim the most during the summer. I love how relaxed and happy we are around water. 

Flexible schedule - I dislike to admit it but I get attached to my schedule. When it is time to switch, it takes some getting used to. I appreciate the flexibility of our summer schedule. It takes planning and thinking outside the box. 

Vacation Bible School - one of our favorite weeks of the summer! We get to learn about Jesus and enjoy growing in our faith. I've volunteered every chance I can. The kids have great memories as well.

Travel - the adventures bring us happy memories every time. Traveling is exploring this big world God created. Travel helps us appreciate his brilliance in the creation of all things. It also allows us to renew our energy. 

Summer cooking - we've been eager to eat seasonal fruits and dishes. Summer cooking is a joy! Fruits are sweeter in the summer. Veggies are plentiful and make our dishes so rich. So far we've had strawberries, watermelon, and corn. So good!

Discoveries - I believe there is magic in the discoveries we make during the summer. Whether we learn something new about God, the world He created, people, or ourselves, summers are better because of the discoveries we make. 

So far the kids have learned about time management. It is often my first step when we start. We are taking time daily to read the Bible and think about what it says. We are also enjoying being with one another without needing to hurry off somewhere.

I know summers won't always be like this. Still, I 'm grateful for the gift of now. 

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