Reflective questions

Thursday, May 12, 2022

I enjoy taking time to think about what was so what will be can be better. Here are a few reflective questions. You may use them both now, in the middle of the year, or at the end. Enjoy! Credit for the questions at the end of the post. Have a great day!

Listen to this episode here:

Over the previous 12 months... quick-fire responses:

What did you get curious about?

What did you get over?

What did you good at?

What did you embrace?

What did you rediscover?

What did you surrender to?

What did you sacrifice?

What did you sideline?

What did you survive?

What did you celebrate?

Contemplate. Take time to ponder:

What did this year teach you about your capacity for courage?

What risks did you take? How did they work out?

What did this year teach you about relationships? love? your capacity for forgiveness?

What particular synchronicities did you notice?

Where did you bring light to the darkness for someone?

When were you generous? How did that serve you?

Did you neglect yourself in any way? was there a time when you did not allow yourself something you needed? If a similar situation arises this year, what will you tell yourself?

Of all the places where you spent time, which environment made you the most calm? where did you have your best ideas?

What changes did you notice in your loved ones? 

What went on in the world that really affected you? what did that teach you in your role in wider society?

What did this year teach you about the preciousness of life?


What did you create or made happen this year?
What brought you the most satisfaction?

What was money well spent and when did you waste money?

What was the best use of your time and energy? Where did you waste time and energy?

What was a real success for you and why? What did you learn from that?

What didn't work out as you hoped? Why? What did you learn from that?

What or who was a challenge? Why? What did you learn from that?
What was the single most important thing you did for your physical health? 

What was the single most important thing you did for your mental health?

If you could sum up the year in a single word, what would it be?

Letting go:

Write down things you want to let go.

Moving forward:
When did you allow yourself to be vulnerable over the past 12 months? What did you learn in the process?

What do you want to carry with you in the new year?

What truths are you ready to start believing?

What are you ready to receive?

Time to make a plan. 

* from "Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year" by Beth Kempton.