Today marks 2 entire months we've moved to Georgia. God has been great to us. I keep thinking about my first 2 months in Mississippi, North Carolina, Southwest Houston, and East Texas.
I had completely different experiences in all of those places. I am completely thankful to God for taking us to all of those places. We gained so much experience. We made so many friends. We learned so much about God and our own lives.Today I am grateful for so many things. I'm grateful that Georgia feels like home already. Having family closer to us has been the icing on the cake. Knowing your people will be there for you gives us that deep sense of calmness and belonging. Acceptance with love becomes the norm, which brings peace to the spirit.
I'm grateful for how resilient my children are. They did so well with this transition. One more reason to be grateful. Where God leads, He truly provides and paves the way for us.
I'm grateful for new hope. Hope has always been my word of choice. The tagline of this blog is "spreading hope online one word at a time." I can honestly say that my hope tank got really low in the past 3 years. God in His infinite wisdom has given me His word, Himself, and His children to remind me to keep hoping against hope, so I did.
The name of our new church is "New Hope," which is just what I needed.
I'm grateful for a little downtime. Our pace is different. I'm also forcing myself to slow down and accept the different pace of life I now have. It is not worse or better than before: it is simply unique. I believe that when I partake in this downtime, I am refreshed and renewed.
Discovering our new home state has been so nice. I had been here before but the last time I was in college (I think). Georgia is a blessing and I am blessed to be here with my family.
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